Posted on Apr 24, 2016
What is your best advice for a first time home buyer?
Responses: 111
5 points to consider and only one of the is the price.
Buy the house you can afford...
Be able to afford the monthly payment
Be able to afford the monthly insurance
Be able to afford the month maintenance costs
Be able to afford the month TIME it takes to keep up the house and priority
And be able to afford the sometimes significant unexpected costs that come with home ownership... that AC system the needs repair or replacement, the washing machine, the hose bib that sprung a leak, flooded the wall and now needs plumbing, and construction repair.
A home emergency "piggy" bank acount for emergencs is a great idea. Lots of ways to fill it with out hurting too much. An allotment for $100 monthly perhaps, till it reaches a goal, then drop it to $25. I fill mine with the pocket change each day (collected, cashed in couple times a year and into the "House" savings account it goes) When I do my semi annual steel recycle run that cash payout goes into the account. On mondays as I get ready to start the day....any paper bill in my pocket or wallet smaller than a $20 goes in the coin collection jar.
Buy the house you can afford...
Be able to afford the monthly payment
Be able to afford the monthly insurance
Be able to afford the month maintenance costs
Be able to afford the month TIME it takes to keep up the house and priority
And be able to afford the sometimes significant unexpected costs that come with home ownership... that AC system the needs repair or replacement, the washing machine, the hose bib that sprung a leak, flooded the wall and now needs plumbing, and construction repair.
A home emergency "piggy" bank acount for emergencs is a great idea. Lots of ways to fill it with out hurting too much. An allotment for $100 monthly perhaps, till it reaches a goal, then drop it to $25. I fill mine with the pocket change each day (collected, cashed in couple times a year and into the "House" savings account it goes) When I do my semi annual steel recycle run that cash payout goes into the account. On mondays as I get ready to start the day....any paper bill in my pocket or wallet smaller than a $20 goes in the coin collection jar.
TSgt William Meyer
All good ideas since you never know what's going to happen, and than things change again when the kids come along.
PO2 David Allender
There is insurance that will take care of repair of the house through storm damage, and insurance that will help repair or replace your washer/dryer, dish washer, a/c unit, etc. You have to check them out to ensure they are reputable outfits though.
Don't over buy. I've seen some Soldiers take their VA cert to bank, and get approved for a ridiculous amount and want to buy "that" house.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Outstanding advice, the housing crash was caused to a large extent because of people who purchased homes they couldn't afford. Look at your situation and all the advice given in this question thread then start looking.
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