Posted on Jul 18, 2015
TSgt Key Spouse
I have the opportunity to make life a little easier for our inbound Airmen. Currently, since we are overseas and often require a 10+ hour flight for PCSing, I provide a warm pasta dish, cookies, and drinks for the first night in TLF so that families don't have to worry about securing dinner or trying to stay awake any longer than they have to.

What little things would've made your moves just a little more enjoyable? Input from all is appreciated, as we have everyone from single Airmen to Captains with 5 kids that PCS in!
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Responses: 1
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
One thing we do that makes life a little easier for our families is, our family readiness group (FRG) makes sure to visit the lodging of the newly arrived family on day two. Our service members get out and have sponsors, we take that opportunity to let our FRGs visit the families.
TSgt Key Spouse
TSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you!

Are there any special welcome items that they bring with them? Unfortunately, as a veteran myself, it's hard to think of the little things new spouses might not know about when they first arrive. Having PCSed myself, I have a decent packing strategy. Now I need to take care of those making their first move who may not have it all figured out!
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
9 y
One thing we tell them coming into Germany is to make sure they bring a Quarter with them....they will need it once they land in Ramstein - the baggage carts there only take quarters (one need one per cart) with one it makes life so much easier for them. The spouses will share points of contact rosters as well as get them out of lodging and take them for day trips etc while they are waiting for their home.
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