Posted on May 6, 2016
SPC Temp Worker
What made you want to join the military. For me I joined because I didn't know what else I wanted to do. Also many of my friends joined or are in the process so I decided to join also. I enjoy being in the military I met people who helped me, gives me advice the military is the first group I joined that accepted me for who I was. Even though I tried to push people away, people in the service go out their way to help you.
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1LT Scout Platoon Leader
I sought a commission because I felt called to serve. On 9/11/01 I was in the seventh grade attending class in Northern Virginia. I saw how the attack on the Pentagon affected my community. My friends lost parents. I consider myself a Patriot, and as an able-bodied young man, I joined the Infantry because it is where I thought I could have the most direct impact on the mission, and on Soldiers. <br><br>Having served for a couple of years now, I've learned that the military isn't exactly what I expected. Leading Soldiers is the greatest privilege I've ever known and they humble me every day. <br><br>Our priorities as an institution, however, seem a little off-base, at times. The bureaucratic processes of this organization often seem to take precedence over the mission, and our Soldiers. Power-point slides, CUBs, BUBs and DUBs seem more important than executing tough, realistic training. <br><br>All of this has left me questioning my future in the military. I want nothing more than a simple career, serving this Nation and the honorable young men and women of it's Army. <br><br>I'm too new at this to be jaded. Am I just a young lieutenant who needs to shut up and get with the program? Or have others had these same concerns, and perhaps even left service as a result?<br><br>Please be professional and constructive.<br>

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