As the chairman of my VFW Post’s educational outreach committee, I was dismayed to learn that this year’s theme for both the Patriot’s Pen (Intermediate School) and Voice of Democracy (high school) essay competitions is “What Makes America Great”. Any student who would dare walk onto a school campus wearing a “MAGA” shirt or hat, or voice any support for our President, might well expect to be treated like a pariah as well as physically assaulted.
I honestly didn’t expect many entries inasmuch as we were asking students to step on a political landmine, one that divides the nation. As it turns out, my expectations were accurate.
I also doubted that the teachers would encourage participation despite the cash awards and scholarships that might be used to encourage students to write competitive essays. Indeed, teachers that I approached with the opportunity spoke openly of their derision for the topic. Again, I wasn’t surprised at this reception. There are countless stories circulating of teachers who encourage bullying of students who show any inclination to wander from the socialist herd. Indeed, many teachers are themselves guilty of bullying such students.
I have seen the effects of student indoctrination in my own grandchildren. One recent evening, my wife and I chauffeured two of our granddaughters to their gymnastics training. As we watched one, the other waiting her turn happened to notice a newspaper I was carrying. The page I had turned to featured an article about the illegal investigation of President Trump by the FBI. Just seeing the name “Trump” agitated my granddaughter. Rather than confront her in a public place, I folded the paper and put it out of sight.
Later, my wife and I were talking about the few contest entries I was processing in preparation for judging when this same 12-year old granddaughter came into the room. Although she is an intermediate school student, her principal and teachers had elected to not encourage their students to participate.
Now imagine my surprise when our granddaughter asked about the competition and I told her it's theme. “What Makes America Great.” She didn’t hesitate, but answered simply with just two words, “We do.”
And that to me is the winning entry. Too bad the contest guidelines require more...
I honestly didn’t expect many entries inasmuch as we were asking students to step on a political landmine, one that divides the nation. As it turns out, my expectations were accurate.
I also doubted that the teachers would encourage participation despite the cash awards and scholarships that might be used to encourage students to write competitive essays. Indeed, teachers that I approached with the opportunity spoke openly of their derision for the topic. Again, I wasn’t surprised at this reception. There are countless stories circulating of teachers who encourage bullying of students who show any inclination to wander from the socialist herd. Indeed, many teachers are themselves guilty of bullying such students.
I have seen the effects of student indoctrination in my own grandchildren. One recent evening, my wife and I chauffeured two of our granddaughters to their gymnastics training. As we watched one, the other waiting her turn happened to notice a newspaper I was carrying. The page I had turned to featured an article about the illegal investigation of President Trump by the FBI. Just seeing the name “Trump” agitated my granddaughter. Rather than confront her in a public place, I folded the paper and put it out of sight.
Later, my wife and I were talking about the few contest entries I was processing in preparation for judging when this same 12-year old granddaughter came into the room. Although she is an intermediate school student, her principal and teachers had elected to not encourage their students to participate.
Now imagine my surprise when our granddaughter asked about the competition and I told her it's theme. “What Makes America Great.” She didn’t hesitate, but answered simply with just two words, “We do.”
And that to me is the winning entry. Too bad the contest guidelines require more...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Great post CPT Jack Durish - Here is the quote that I started the day off with.
"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
Abraham Lincoln
We are fighting a uphill battle but one worth fighting. Bless you Jack.
"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
Abraham Lincoln
We are fighting a uphill battle but one worth fighting. Bless you Jack.
CPT Jack Durish The magazine, ‘National Review’ of Sept 9, 2019, contains 31 extremely well written, short essays entitled: WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT AMERICA.
A few of the authors are well known, others simply pour their hearts out.
I cannot divulge where I ‘found’ the magazine, it was important to me!
A few of the authors are well known, others simply pour their hearts out.
I cannot divulge where I ‘found’ the magazine, it was important to me!
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