Posted on Feb 14, 2018
CSM Charles Hayden
Beyond my utter shock and dismay at this latest school shooting, I ask myself why? Who failed “us”. why?

Do we need a ‘police state’ to moniter and report eveyone with an personality abberation?

Do too many of our citizens choose to look the ‘other way”’ rather than accept the responsibilty of reporting “deranged members of society”?

At age 12, in 1945, I was cleared to ‘fire at will’ on the farm. I possessed a 22 caliber rifle and the 410 shotgun arrived soon after.

Positive action is needed, your thoughts?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 119
Col Gladys Young
There are two issues here. The first is the glorification of the shooter. He/she becomes famous and those who treated him/her badly are vilified. Ultimate vengeance fantasy. This last one admitted he selected who to spare to "tell my story". The other is the number of unstable persons who are stirred up by the vicious rhetoric all over the society. People disagree and the answer is to threaten them with death? It makes that fantasy socially acceptable in the mind of an unstable adolescent. I suspect these children would have committed suicide or attempted it in previous generations to punish the world for their unhappiness.
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CPL Glynnda White
Our problem is not that we have "so many" shootings is that every damned thing that happens is nationalized and sensationalized by those who wish to take our ability to defend ourselves....namely the left. Who failed us? The same left leaning government that wishes to take away our arms. They set up "gun free" zones across the nation and then use those incidents when defenseless people are killed. Just like fast and furious they create and then use the predictable outcomes (mass shootings) to try and convince people that we need gun control.....time to do several things.....1. outlaw socialism (which by it's very mission is subversive to the Constitution) in the United States and remove those who are currently documented members out of the nation's borders and strip them of their citizenship-beginning with Congress and any who work in our government, 2. Remove George Soros who is a seditionist by admission and has paid multiple millions into the weakening and destruction of our nation, strip him of his wealth and turn him out of the nation, 3. remove any lawmakers from office who believe our 2nd amendment rights should be restricted or removed, don't ask them, check their voting records, 4. privatize the school system, shut down the Dept of Education and disperse the money back to the states.....and put some serious security into schools, 5. Begin the process of refamiliarizing American citizens with guns and remove the maniacal fear of guns that the socialists on the left have spent the last 60 years instilling into them from the age of toddlers.....
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SGT Daniel Pieratti
I agree with everyone's opinion below, the shooter is at fault, but ultimately the welfare, well being and metal status lies within his upbringing and the guiding hands of the parental figures in his life. One of the first lessons I learned as a child was personal accountability. I believe, as humans, we have the innate ability to determine right from wrong but that basic morality is affected by the way we are raised, what we are exposed to and experiences we have throughout life. The government, church or school system are not responsible for raising heathly children. Parents need to be accountable for the actions of children and therefore the failings of the shooter lie within his childhood.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
SGT Daniel Pieratti Another well thought out response! I totally agree. In a free society, how can parents be compelled to parent?
SGT Daniel Pieratti
SGT Daniel Pieratti
6 y
Good question! Throughout the history of mankind, men are hunter/gathers and women were caregivers/nurturers. Those traits we're passed down from generation to generation but somewhere in time those family values and traditions were lost. I don't know the answer to make parents become parents again but I know I try to do my part with my employees by instilling self respect and self confidence in each and every one of them. I do this in hopes that the values I was taught through life experiences aren't forgotten when they leave work. I employ all walks of life in my civil construction business and I don't allow my black employees to use the "N" word or street names when communicating with one another and the same thing applies to my white employees. In my opinion, morale is high because I emphasize self worth and respect and I can only hope that is not left at work and is carried over when they return home. I might not be making a difference but I like to think I do. I try to do my part in my little slice of the world to make it a better place.
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MAJ John Douglas
The person who pulled the trigger is responsible. We don't allow mass punishment anywhere else, why here?
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SSG Jeremy Sharp
With regard to the Parkland shooting, there is much blame to go around. If you are to take any stock in the media and the press conferences held immediately surrounding the incident, it would appear that the SRO, school guidance counselor and others had expressed concerns with little (no) follow-up conducted. It also appears that both the Sheriff's Office and the FBI had numerous opportunities to intervene and didn't. Ultimately the gunman is responsibile but if one of these other entities had conducted preliminary inquiries and followed up with appropriate referrals, the incident may never had occurred.
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CPL Richard Flagg
Once again the Media outlets from Hollywood create there violent programming in television, movies, and in video game entertainment which has desensitized many toward violence overall; then whenever a tragedy such as any mass shooting occurs the News Media and our Hollywood liberal elite cry for social change. Sure things need to be addressed; however the Media as a whole needs to accept responsibility for its helping to create such a violence desensitized society.
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SPC Tony Means
I'm Reminder of something I was told in leadership school you can delagate a job but not the responsibility. The responsibility ultimately lies with the individual. Now if you're talking about the root of the problem I have a few words for you. Latchkey, two income household, absentee parents, etc....get the idea?!?
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PO2 John Driskill
Law enforcement failed to take action before and during the shootings. Punk teenagers can point the finger of blame at adults to be the lickspittles of liberal anti gun members of Congress but the blame lies with them for bullying the shooter while he was a student in that school. He got pay back and we have to suffer with David Hogg’s 15 minutes of fame.
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SSgt Bruce Probert
You might want to start with Emma Gonzalez's own words "Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him to hear that he was the shooter. Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him, you didn't know this kid. OK, we did." It's vicious spoiled brats like these that terrorize the shy introverts into suicide or worse. I've listened to David Hogg talk about their children I'm pretty sure that he isn't a father much less a parent living up to those kind of responsibilities. What I've heard from him is that as a Life NRA member I have blood dripping from my hands. The facts are a little different We know that he spent his time during the shooting making videos of scared kids all the while cowering in a closet. Now this little fascist is dropping the F bomb on everyone that supports the 2nd Amendment concluding his epithet laden rants with his modified Hitler salute. In the mean time no one has been fired at the FBI, 3 of the 4 deputies are still working at least Scott Peterson had the grace to retire after failing in his duty to protect the children under his care. No school administrator, no child services no local law enforcement has been fired for failing to take the appropriate action. Last but certainly not least Sheriff Israel still has a job being in charge of as complete a failure as this school shooting and still having a job is beyond belief. It is time to make sure that people are held accountable for their actions or failures to act. While the Great Mills shooting was originally touted as how a good guy with a gun saves lives. The reality was different as now we know that chances are the shooting was over as the gunman took his own life. It dosen't however diminish the response by the officer on site and we can ask reasonably how many lives would have been saved if the the first officer on site at Lakeland had engaged the shooter. The security arrangements at these schools are a joke and in this instance there was no impediment to this shooter gaining access to the school and pulling a fire alarm. Real security is only as good as the response to the threat posed. A physical barrier can be breached in a number of ways so the response needs to be able to react with overwhelming force if necessary. Too many times it's a principle or teacher facing a gun with no weapon and that is as we've seen a recipe for disaster.
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Gbonkers666 .
When cop says he wants to talk to you...don't run.
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