The wife finally won out and we've decided to turn our "bonus room" into a gym instead of using the garage. Right now it has plush, beige carpet that would just end up getting destroyed. I'm torn between just letting it get messed up and replacing it when we sell or putting something over it. I was thinking horse mats with some type of lining underneath. Thoughts?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
What is the subflooring? Whatever, lose the carpet. It won't provide a steady base for your exercise equipment or your floor exercises. If the subflooring is solid, use a rubber flooring designed specifically for exercise rooms.
CPT (Join to see)
I'm honestly not sure. My plan was to make the room into a home theater, but after 6 months of nagging I finally gave in. I think we'll keep our treadmill and elliptical in the garage and bonus room will be used for light weights and step aerobics type stuff.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT (Join to see) - Just make sure the subfloor is solid. Carpeting doesn't give proper support and ankles and wrists get sprained. Rubber tiles are the best. Easy to lay and easy to remove when you get tired of the exercising.
Just see if you cant find those interconnectable foam squares those work great we used them for the mini gym we have in our spare room!!!

Suspended Profile
I hope it's on the ground floor; barbells and weights get heavy...
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