Posted on Sep 14, 2020
What should I do if I'm I’m being sent to DRB for an accusation of not informing my chain of command about my surgery for a herniated disc?
I had a back surgery about 3 months ago now and made rank on one of my last weeks of convilencesnce Leave. My command promoted the only other active duty person that made rank with me and with held my rank due to me e6 not informing my e7 at all about the proceedingg G a of my surgery and the dates involved. I was asked to change the date of my surgery after going to my pre op and receiving instruction and the date for my surgery. I professionally denied this because dealing with a herniated disc that was causing pain down my leg for two years wasn’t somthing I wanted to dea with any longer. Long story short I’m being sent to drb for not informing my chain of my surgery and I was never able to share my side of why happened. I’m going for not allowing my command a chance to cancel my surgery or deny it and failure to communicate with my chain of command. How was I suppose to k ow to go above my e6 to tell my e7? Any advice please.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
What was so important that being short 1 Junior Petty Officer would cause a mission Failure? You needed Surgery, you had a diagnosed herniated disc, which would have put you on profile, and unable to do most physical tasks. In other words, you were not fully mission capable. I get there is a Stigma about NCO's and Medical, but only YOU can make health related decisions, not your Chain of Command. Will your First Line Supervisor support your claim about informing him? Was the request to change surgery date on a 4856? with your answer? I am not sure what the Army equivalent is for drb, but unless you were flagged, they cannot deny your promotion. I am going to point out that this is only one side to this story, but if what you claim is true, this is one fucked up Chain of Command to deny or request a change in surgery date. We are not at war, and being short one Junior NCO is not going to break the Navy.
With this being an ongoing issue for over two years I assume you are on Limdu. You need to get with your unit Limdu coordinator and your Limdu caseworker. Sadly this is not uncommon. As long as you provided the documentation you were provided to your chain of Command it isn't on you. You should also go to your EO rep as well to ensure you aren't being mistreated. Just focus on your medical part. I saw something very similar when dealing with my knee surgeries.
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