Posted on Mar 12, 2019
Caitlin Williams
So I received a call yesterday stating that the lady had received a report for my family and wanted to see me,my husband and my 9 months old son. We honestly think someone saw something wrong or it’s just a false allegation but this is our first child, I have no idea what to expect and hoping someone to give us some advice. We know to speak honestly and openly but not say anything other than answer their questions as whatever allegation was made is false. I know the army does things differently than civilians. What kind of questions do I need to expect from them?
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Responses: 3
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
Caitlin Williams as a Garrison Commander, my Family Advocacy Program folks were taking follow up action to either reports or interactions with law enforcement, medical mandatory reporting, chain of command conversations, or school related mandatory reporting. taking what you said at face value, they will talk to your family and see what is going on. They may offer you benefits or services you may not have been aware of like respite care. The objective of these engagement was to help the family. My FAP Coordinator was also part of multi functional teams like our youth Review Board so they could integrate their services with the actions of Housing, Law Enforcement, the Chaplain and others.

I would not freak out. If it was something bad, someone would have left in handcuffs or your child removed already. They will discuss things with you and possibly offer you assistance. Could be a number of things.

FAP is the result of things that happened decades ago with people asking "why wasn't there a program to help these families?". The best help is preventative. The objective is to help families be strong and thriving.
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Caitlin Williams
I appreciate the input. Thank you. We just got home from this meeting and I’m sure as some of you may know being a new parent can be scary and me having never worked with kids or grow up with kids made my anxiety a lil worse. The findings were that at my sons wellness check in which we had to schedule with someone else other than his Main pediatrician reported that he had a overly full diaper upon the exam. She brought this up as I was changing his diaper in the meeting an said she was to dismiss it as she can see he’s clean and no sores. Hubby busted out laughing in all honesty
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
Well now you know.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
6 y
Please don't get mad at or avoid the clinic. They have a lot of mandatory reporting requirements, and sometimes it is a simple "I'm not sure, but it COULD be a POSSIBLE sign of..." where if they don't report what COULD be trouble, THEY get in trouble.

Remember the end state is that it was completely written off and laughed about. Yes it is an inconvenience, but the system is doing what it can to protect children, not all of whom are as well cared for as yours.
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SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
Well from my knowledge that program was set up to help with domestic violence and stuff in that nature and I believe also a new parent program but no one can force you to go to that program since you are a civilian. I don't understand you saying a "false allegation" did the MPs or civilian cops come to your house for domestic violence or for child abuse or was CPS called? This doesn't add up.
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
6 y
Caitlin Williams - Yeah reason why I never liked staying on post housing having to deal with other people. Well I would not sweat it because if it was something serious then CPS or someone would of came knocking on the door. Hopefully it works out fine I hate nosey people and especially ones that spread rumors.
Caitlin Williams
Caitlin Williams
6 y
I hardly leave my home. I’m disabled.To even go out by myself, I have to use my service dog. So im not sure what It could be as well but the lady that I spoke to from the facility said if it was something serious she would have us in there right away or she come to us. she said she have us in and out within an hour and a half so I’m not sweating it I just don’t know how to expect at all.
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
6 y
Caitlin Williams - You got me on this one. Everyone I know before has gone there either for domestic abuse problems or to get help with new born classes stuff like that. So this is a new one on me especially if the Mps or that have never been called or CPS coming. You are a lot nicer than what my wife would be lol.
Caitlin Williams
Caitlin Williams
6 y
Well I know to keep my cool under such circumstances. Which is why hubby is not speaking much because he’s already pissed and will get more pissed as he talks.It’s not uncommon for someone to have a beef with me because I know my rights as a civilian and I speak up about it a lot. I don’t get pissed over stuff that’s most likely false. It’s saved me a lot of stress induced panic attacks.
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