Posted on Oct 28, 2021
SPC Human Intelligence Collector
I have no negative marks on my record and have been in the army for over two years.
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Responses: 239
PO3 Kathy Getchey
Pretty sure it will be a general, probably to allow re enlistment if you change your mind and decide to get the vaccine. Decisions like this are never easy, if you can discuss with your significant other, it might not be an issue between you in future. Good luck.
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CAPT Michael Toleno
My GUESS based on a few minutes of searching is that a soldier who refuses the vaccine would probably get a general discharge under honorable conditions, but the rules are still being made and are subject to change. Based on my brief search, it seems that the services are setting their own policies, and they aren't settled yet. I didn't see anything Army-specific. For example, according to , "The U.S. Navy says sailors who are not vaccinated and who do not have a pending or approved exemption request by their vaccination deadline 'will receive no lower than a general discharge under honorable conditions” for failing to obey a lawful order.'"
According to and many other articles, Republican House members have been pushing a bill for about two months that would prevent any service member from receiving anything less than an honorable discharge for refusing the vaccine, and the Biden administration is opposing it. Again, this can be verified in many articles.
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1stSgt Leroy Slater
If you do not wish to in thefight and are willing to get sick instead, maybe you should just stay home.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
If we know any one thing with certainty about covid treatments, it is that none of the shots prevent anyone from contracting or spreading the virus.

Most people in military service are young and healthy without co-morbidities and have little to no risk of serious consequences. Its almost deceitful to for vaccine promoters to claim improved immunity and resistance in a population that starts out with very little risk.
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Cpl Craig Howard
When you signed up for Military Service, you signed away all of your personal rights. In Boot Camp, they drill into you that you are no longer your own boss. You have received dozens of Vaccinations, as well as boosters for them. You don't own your body as long as you wear the Uniform. If you are willing to risk not getting an Honorable Discharge for this one point, then you made your choice. In addition, you are to follow orders. This is where you draw the line? Good Luck to you, but think this through and get some guidance.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
No one signed away any rights when they enlisted. I have read my contract every single time I enlisted/reenlisted. I did agree, on signing each time, that I understood I will abide by Army regulation and UCMJ. But nothing in the contract says I'm giving up any constitutional rights. At all.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
NONE of those other shots enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. NOT A SINGLE ONE. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level.
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Sgt Donald Chalfy
In answer to your question, you may receive a General under Honorable Circumstances Discharge. My question for you is, are or were you planning to make the Army a career, or for the G.I. Bill for education purposes?
I will tell you that I received the Pfizer vaccine in April 2021, and have not had any adverse conditions. Yay for me, I know, I know.
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Sgt Kurt Gray
I hope you get a dishonorable discharge. You are a traitor to your oath. You deserve no mercy.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
Ahhh it's never hard to see who will fail to even see amoral or ethical dilemma and simply say "I was just following orders". I can't see where in my oath I agreed to let anyone genetically manipulate me.
Sgt Kurt Gray
Sgt Kurt Gray
>1 y
When you went to basic training you were given inoculation with something you didn’t even know what it was. But you did it. Now they want to inoculate you with something that could save your life and you are refusing. You should dishonorably discharge. You deserve no benefits or quarter. You are a disgrace, traitor and coward.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
Sgt Kurt Gray - NONE of those other shots enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. NOT A SINGLE ONE. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
Maybe you should look up the definition of "traitor"?

Maybe you missed the part of training that says there is no "just following orders" defense. We are allowed, even required, to consider whether orders are lawful or not.

You going to try to tell us that the government or military never used humans for medical experiments without their knowledge or consent?
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SSG Public Affairs Officer
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Sgt Dan Baughman
I can understand you not wanting to take the jab. But do you know what all the shots you took when you went into boot camp were? Answer is no. So suck it up and take the jab. Im 69 and didnt want to do it either. But i did it. Just for the jab card. Didnt affect me one bit. Hey the gooks didnt kill me. So a shot cant kill me. Semper Fi. Grunts rule.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
NONE of those other shots enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. NOT A SINGLE ONE. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level. 1Corinthians 10:12 be careful about that stance.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
This is an experimental vaccine and we are undergoing human trials as we speak.
All the other shots we took in basic and upon deployments were fully tested and proven medications. These shots have been in existence for just over a year and they are still gathering data on them. What we do know is that they have not lived up to any of the early claims and do not offer any sort of immunity.

Current research strongly suggests that natural immunity from a previous coivd infection is much more effective and longer lasting than the shots.
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SFC Steve Ouellette
Politics..... bottom line is politics plays a role in it.... If you argue it, you are labeled a terrorist by the work mob
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
Some of you don't remember the controversies of the anthrax shots.
SFC Steve Ouellette
SFC Steve Ouellette
>1 y
I do as I received like 8 of them.... didn't agree with them at the time either, but this whole rushing a vaccine into place and then making it mandatory for many is dumb as hell. If someone wants to get it, cool. If someone does not want to, cool.... and for those who didn't know, anthrax had been around a heck of a lot longer than COVID considering they started researching it in the 50's...... SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
SFC Steve Ouellette - Louis Pasteur developed the first anthrax vaccine in the late 1800's, but that was for cattle. Point is that there was some controversy about vaccines that had decades of research and data yet everyone is expected to accept an untried, untested vaccine that uses technology never used on humans in this way.

I'm not antivax...I'm anti-mandates for THIS vaccine.

But I won't tell anyone not to take it. That's their decision and taking it could be the best route for preserving some people's health.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
SFC Tracy Donahoo - "I'm not antivax...I'm anti-mandates for THIS vaccine." Mind if I steal that?
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