Posted on Dec 23, 2015
What was the funniest Christmas event that you participated in while stationed or deployed?
Responses: 8
Nothing that compares to Gunny Clause. Didn't see that uniform at cash sales.
The strangest of the most interesting thing I saw during Christmas at which reconstruction team Farah in Western Afghanistan RC West was seeing one of my soldiers play with the MWR kits sent to us for playing the guitar game when you try to play the notes and you also try to lip sync the virtual players so we had Italian Special Forces Italian Alpine troops playing along with one of my civil Affairs guys was playing No Sleep till Brooklyn by the Beastie Boys. It was really strange to see us having fun like this in a war zone. I think I have it on video somewhere but the voices are terrible but it wasn't interesting Christmas on the west thanks MWR for your support and electronics you sent us.
I was lucky, Only spent one Christmas away from home. Funny you asked this question though. On the way to work I was wondering how many of us Vets that have a Christmas that just totally sucked being away from home. In the Navy, Christmas was so much different than the other services. Add to that I was in Dry-Dock in Bremerton Washington made for an especially dreary Christmas. Because of being in the yards. Ships company either lived in a WW II Troop Transport ship tied up along side the Enterprise or in open bay barracks that had one TV lounge for all of us. Chow on the troop ship wasn't worth the walk in the rain. Every place in town was closed up but the movies. Was just a real bad Christmas. makes you feel for those deployed at this time of year.
PO2 Peter Klein
You should have followed the ancient Jewish tradition of going to a movie and eating Chinese for Xmas. Goes back thousand of years.
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