Posted on Sep 17, 2018
What would you say if someone asked you if you were a war hero?
Also, what do you think when you hear, or hear about, someone else claiming that they are a war hero? You know, the guys who have the long, elaborate war stories that put Hollywood to shame.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 84
MSgt Glenn (Eddie) Barker
There are true Heroes fallen all over the world. They lay in ships in the depths and jungle trees. Their bodies are buried on beaches unmarked, in the beautiful fields of Normandy or in the punch bowl volcano of Oahu. Far too many lie where they fell but they also are in the hearts and memories of their Comrades and the Familys left behind. It doesn't matter where they ended their journey, it matters that the journey was begun and traveled faithfully.
MGySgt Jerry Suarez
I would disagree Sgt Reynolds. Anyone who gave the ultimate sacrifice is a hero but they could be buried anywhere not just Arlington, and second some may have returned. I think all who have worn the uniform are heroes.
Sgt Frank Staples
I agree with you wholeheartedly MGySgt. Suarez. The conflict would come in when someone called me a hero for serving...and I wasn't. And I've had people say that I was a hero for being a fireman...and I'm not. However, my attitude is that all who serve are heroes...I would certainly hope that dying is not a requirement for heroic actions. I've known several actual heroes, some who got medals and some who didn't, some from as long ago as WW2 ( yeah, I'm almost that old ) and some from our current military. Being called heroes embarrassed them.
Capt Daniel Goodman
My wife's Dad got a Bronze Star charging a minefield at the Battle of Nancy with the 90th Div Tough Hombres from France into Germany at the Moselle River, her stepdad had been WW2/Korea combat Navy surface enlisted common tech on destroyer escorts, bullets whizzing, shells flying, kamikazes falling, neither said much either....
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
My wifes uncle stormed the beach at Normandy and was extrmeley active in VFW...We didn't know any of this until he was onhis death bed. We knew he served but we didn't know he did all that...Heroes don't have to brag.
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