Posted on Jun 3, 2014
Cadet SSG Squad Member
The other day I was at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. COL Marcus, a representative from the US Army, gave us the advice to "Stop thinking of what you're going to say next and listen". I really liked this advice because it goes beyond the typical leadership advice you tend to hear such as being optimistic, informing your soldiers with a purpose, supplying motivation etc.
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MG Peter Bosse
The best advice I ever received was to "take a knee". I had just been through a divorce, was struggling through CGSC, couldn't get enough shared custody time with my kids, was overwhelmed at work and was trying to find time for my monthly drill (BA). The guy I worked for, a LTC at the time and I was a Major, suggested that I RST and work on my CGSC instead of attending drill for the next three months. I was blown away by his compassion and caring during a time when I was juggling way too many balls in the air. This breathing room, as a result of taking a knee, allowed me to complete CGSC, get my life back on track and demonstrate resilience through taking positive actions. I owe that LTC big time for some of the best advice I've ever received!

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