Posted on Sep 7, 2019
Where can I be stationed, and where am I most likely to be stationed, as an infantryman?
Where can I get stationed and what is likely I want to go to Virginia I have been to lewis and drum about to re up again where should I go?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
You can go to any major combat division. There is nothing for conventional infantry in Virginia. Fort Drum, Bragg, and Campbell are the closest. What you should do is head out to Europe. Either Germany or Airborne in Italy.
SSG (Join to see)
You beat me to it SFC! Germany is a great place to be stationed from what I hear. I was stationed in Italy with the 173rd Airborne. If you can get a slot at jump school and head there you'll love your time there, I guarantee it.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) right now Infantry branch is taking any SL1 or 2 who wants to go Airborne. Getting to Italy is as simple as asking for it. It's the one place I never got to go that I wanted in my career.
SSG (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) I heard infantry was trying to grow its Airborne population. And yeah SFC, I lucked out. Long story short, I recieved an airborne slot in basic and went straight to jump school after I graduated osut. Volunteered for an airborne assignment because 82nd was deploying in a few months but got assigned to 1st armored. Following my first deployment my window opened and my retention NCO told me I could easily get 82nd but because I was over strength if I called branch I could possibly get sent to 173rd since they had a few vacancies. To date, I say that was the best unit I served in. And when we weren't training in other countries we were partying in other countries. A young American's dream come true!
To double tap off of SFC Boyd, you can get assigned anywhere there are infantry units. Off the top of my head I can think of Alaska, Hawaii, Lewis, Irwin as Opfor for NTC rotations, Bliss, Hood, Benning, Stewart, Polk, Drum, Germany, Korea, Campbell, Carson, and Italy. Depending on what schools you have and needs of the army can play a role and where you get sent. If you have a specific duty station in mind I recommend calling branch.
SSG (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) because of how the army is structuring itself, you might not have the hardest time getting an airborne slot. Personally, my favorite active duty assignment was with the 173rd in Italy. It's a great career slingshot for you plan on staying infantry. Higher chances of getting a shot at Ranger school, AA, etc. Train hard with European militaries but that will make you a better leader trust me, and when you have down time traveling Europe for relatively cheap is a no brainers. Is there any specific careel goals you have? That can be a determining factor in where you would like to go PCS to.
Well you know the Army always picked the most inhospitable nasty dirty grungy uninhabitable location to put their posts. So that’s about as good as you can expect. If you get anything better than that count yourself lucky.
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