Posted on Jul 16, 2015
Why are our military, targets of domectic terrorists?
Today, four marines lost their lives to what is called a domestic terrorist. What difference does it make if it is domestic, International, or an individual crazy person? Why are they attacking the military? It is sad they they pick on the one group of people who defend our country and make it free for them.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Symbolism. and it is not just here; Canada and England have had such attacks as well.
MSgt David Haupt
I agree with you there on the Symbolism and also I would add complacency of our installations.
Capt Seid Waddell
MSgt David Haupt, at some point we are going to have to realize that Islamic extremists are at war with us. Keeping our armed services disarmed makes no sense to me.
PO1 James Grady
It will take not just a Declaration of War, and full blown support from the entire Nation, but we will need at 7 Men at the Pentagon 3-star General and above, who actually have the intestinal fortitude to prosecute "Total War", and inflict so much pain, and utter despair, and hopelessness upon the "CIVILIAN", and/or innocent segment of the Islamic Nations that they will catapult fundamental idea's of intolerance completely out of the collective conscience. Therefore, it begs the question; As a Nation, are WE mentally prepared to do what is needed to be done? Are we so threatened that we are willing to wage total war? ......Ans. No fracking way.
I have to agree with Capt Seid Waddell but also add Complacency! Complacency is the main cause. We are not picking up these wackos through any channels or it is not a valuable threat. I understand with man power we can not look into everyone, but at least let them know we are watching. These wackos are doing this for the media attention and the to further their cause.
SPC Douglas Bolton
I understand your frustration MSgt. Much of what motivates a ("wacko) is attention. Except in many cases they are dead the same day from their wrongful actions. Hard to comprehended why they would seek fame through that, except they feel "Allah," would be pleased, which incredibly far from the truth. The true God is not a happy camper with these misguided people.
Why does any opposing force infiltrate the enemy city. They are either spies collecting information, or there to kill or cause havoc. Short term or long term, hard or soft targets, it's elementary. When an enemy that has declared war on you is allowed inside your country, he will strike when his timing is right. In our situation the enemy hasn't merely been allowed to sneak inside, he's been welcomed and accommodated. We've never so blatantly and purposely been placed in harms way by our own leadership and refusal to accept that fact will bring pain we've never known.
SPC Douglas Bolton
I couldn't agree more SPC King. We allow so many people to come across our borders and their only intention is to cause havoc. Donald Trump is a wild and scary guy, but much of what he says is true. He just needs to tone his approach down. Having said that, The leadership of our country is running fast in the wrong direction. It will take a stronger leader to bring our country back to where it should be.
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