Posted on Jun 3, 2015
CW2 All Source Intelligence Technician
Blaming a minority group for everything that is wrong, making up facts, and Nazi-type hate speech... a best seller?!
We, Americans, defeated the Nazis; why is Nazi-type behavior appealing to Americans?
America is past slavery, women oppression, and other primitive ideologies; why does such fanatic racism exist in America?
We have a African American President, a Hispanic in the Supreme Court, and an Indian-American as Governor; how does a minority-hater writer become best sellers?
Posted in these groups: Racism logo Racism3ee77586 Propaganda
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 9
CW2 Information Systems Technician
Edited 9 y ago
I'm not a huge fan of hers but being anti- illegal immigrant doesn't make you racist. By allowing the illegal immigration it makes matters worse in Mexico, whereas if they had to stay there they'd revolt and possibly clean up their own country. Mexico is more than willing to let their citizens come here and for us to education their citizens, heck our schools probably preach more anti-americanism than Mexican schools.
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CW2 Joseph Evans
Because it caters to a fear based thought process. It reinforces biases and justifies our hate. We don't have to admit to our own cowardice because we can now share it with others and think that it is normal and acceptable.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
For the same reason that Ann Coulter is appealing to some Americans. Who knows??
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
Every one knows the answer to that, the answer there are still a lot of bigoted scum in the US they are just not the majority anymore.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
PO3 John Wagner - She makes a fortune spewing psychotic hate to racists and bigots , That is the sole product she produces.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
7 y
PO3 John Wagner - I like her too.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - This is true. Most of them drive fuel efficient foreign cars or crossovers, most are college educated whites who are so superior in their own minds and sure of their "rightness" that they not only insist on being must agree with them and like it or be labeled a hater. They are called Liberals and take the form of social justice warriors. So Nelson you are quite correct. There are huge numbers of bigoted scum in the US. They might be the majority but that is why we have an electoral college.
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Why do Nazi-type and white supremacy propaganda appeal to some Americans?
CPT Ahmed Faried
There are bottom scrapers galore would be my answer.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
Tru dat. On both sides of the ailes. The bottom scrapers on the left just use hired help to do the dirty work
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MSG Brad Sand
Edited 7 y ago
CW2 (Join to see)
What are you even trying to imply by Nazi-type because I am pretty sure you are not talking about self identified National Socialist like James T. Hodgkinson? While the open border types try to tie racism to the debate to obscure the fact that it is not about immigration but ILLEGAL immigration. We have know our immigration system has been broken for decades but the politicians have allowed it to remain broken for their own personal gain. Not saying there are not Whites with hate in their hearts and/or Conservatives but this last election cycle that hate has been more than trumped by the hate of Left.
The Left is always quick to call those they disagree with racist or bigots and this seem to jump there again?
To me, Ann Coulter on this video has the facts and figures to prove that she is right...IF one is willing to look at the substance of her position, which most are she is a racist because we do not like the truth about the real problem she has revealed.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
All the left has to do is say "hater". (In any form). Then the individual who has pointed out the truth is discredited with no more than a tweet, or a word in the left leaning media.
The Augean stables were a pip compared to the strategy the left has adopted. How does the right "ignore" it? While the right thinking public easily ignores the leftist bullshit, it nevertheless forces any truthsayer to fight...and we can't fight too hard can we? "Thou doth protest too much!" Is the automatic backhand. These people NEED desparately to be AGGRESSIVELY! prosecuted at the top levels for their high crimes and misdemeanors.... leaks, data destruction, ect. They are 1000%! Aware that as soon as that damn breaks then the floodwaters will force them into a mode of defense. They NEVER want to be on the defense.... Obviously. Their crimes are blatant and completely indefensible. It drives me to distraction that until we catch on camera with an incriminating statement and a bloody knife in the hand of these perpetrators that even though the Republicans enjoy majorities that somehow they will dodge the bullet.
PLEASE GOD! Let this dam break somewhere. The avalanche needs to start somewhere.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Why did the crips and bloods appeal to people?
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
Why does it appeal to anyone in any country that fought the Nazis? Why do Americans go join Daesh? Or any extremist group? People get disillusioned and if someone tells them what they want to hear that explains why their life sucks, there they go. Some people were born into it and have been brainwashed.

Ann Coulter - I rarely use this word but she qualifies the c* word. Her and Tomi Lahren or whatever her name is. Although in the last couple weeks (this post is old) she's actually turned against Trump (who she referred to as Emperor King I believe). I haven't seen her as being a white supremacist. She's just an uber conservative.

Did anyone see her on the Rob Lowe roast??? That woman has no sense of humor in her at all. She had comedians write jokes for her and she said "Nope I'll do my own jokes." It was so painful to watch. I'm still not sure why she was at a roast for Rob Lowe on Comedy Central.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
You are right. She is not her own best advocate. A bit too much anger in her soul somewhere. Granted after being vilified so badly and continuously it is difficult to rise above. I CAN STATE THIS FROM FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE. I am very hopeful that somehow the damage that she suffered somewhere along the way can be healed and she might become an "UBER" useful spokesperson
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PO3 John Wagner
Edited >1 y ago
Sir, as a resident of North Dakota..which contrary to public opinion is an incredibly diverse state racially and inclusively I wonder every time I hear the white supremacist term tossed out exactly "where" that statement puts people's thoughts? Maybe I'm just naive but since I tend to interact with everyone from princes to paupers as I go through my day to day and see viscous social retribution against any who even peeks attitudes like that out from under a rock....I would be really interested in location of this liberal boogeyman. They are out there but I know the last time a pack of those showed up in North Dakota the whole state gave them the "Cold Shoulder"... granted we have a climatic leg up on others in that department.. life is way to hard and precious to waste oxygen on those who aren't interested in participating with all. I have made a lifelong habit of calling out any of my peers and superiors who let loose of any uninclusive attitudes... I judge my success in that department because most of those people are now my friends....
WHERE ARE THE MISCREANTS....Let's smoke em ALL out.. unhelpful to my world they are.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
Nebraska...Iowa...South Dakota...Kansas....Missouri...that's just a few in the Midwest. I was born and raised in Nebraska and I love the state but we have some narrow minded, ignorant, racist bigots in this state and more than I ever realized since social media has been around. White supremacists specifically? They are around but they've been hiding until the last couple years. Now they feel more comfortable to be loud and proud. This is an old post so maybe you've seen it now maybe not. But they are out there. They were just dormant for years.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
SFC (Join to see) - I don't think they are well tolerated anywhere.
We had a bunch moved into a small town near the Reservation by Mandan ND. a few years ago. They were pretty much shunned out of existence. I believe they packed up their tinkertoys and split when they found out that nobody was here to recruit. We don't like aholes either foreign or domestic up here. We are remarkably tolerant of other cultures. It seems to work. The other cultures become part of our communities quite nicely. When you treat others well they respond in kind.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
Oh they're tolerated in Nebraska - that or ignored. I see it on the Facebook pages for local news in Omaha. I definitely saw so much racism and bigotry growing up in my hometown which had at most 1000 people. That town was not every "diverse" when I grew up there. Hopefully with some younger people on the city council now it might get better and hopefully I notice some differences whenever I visit again.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
7 y
SFC (Join to see) - Our city council has NOT been improved by young people. The Social Justice Warriors have taken over and new projects, specials and taxes are shoved down everyone's throats every time one of these socialists decides they want some new and improved. A recent initiative to install "more" streetlights on the north side of town in the name of "SAFETY" ... the catchall that socialists use for whatever they want so that anyone who is against it MUST be against SAFETY.
They propose to tack a $1500 special onto every home on the north side of town.
If there are 10,000 residences on the North side...which is NOT the south side where all the wealthier folks live.. This comes to a $15,000,000 tab for extra streetlights.
WTF! Are they 24 carat plated?
The actual game in this case is to line the streets these wealthy liberals use for particular avenues of travel when they must go to the wrong side of the tracks. These are short decorative lights which will be incredibly annoying since they will be below the tree canopy line.
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with "SAFETY!" I wrote the engineering department and the council pointing out that as a rule we like it "dark". In other words we can sit out on our front porches at night without being assaulted by unwanted light.
We have our own lights if wanted. Thank you very much.
The Supremacy and bigotry isn't all coming from the fringe. Much of it comes from the privileged who have my tax dollars and property tax increases to play with.
By the way.. a flat special tax of $1500 is regressive. Some won't notice it at all. I will pay mine off immediately if it comes to that..
A $1500 special added onto the property tax bill will be around $2700? If allowed to run its 17 year course.
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SP5 Peter Keane
Why do we have hyphenated Americans, what does hispanic actually denote, someone from Hispania ?
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