Posted on Nov 12, 2016
Why is it that Hillary Clinton conceded the election peacefully, but some of her supporters think that she got cheated out because of the EC?
It just seems to me that Hillary Clinton knew how the system worked, seeing as she tried to campaign hard in "toss up" states at the end of the election, but lost most of them. To me, I think it is fair, however I do see problems with the Electoral College. Now why is it that many Hillary Clinton supporters are so angry at the system even though their candidate understands and accepts the system?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
Because some of them don't understand the difference between representative and direct government. If schools taught more civics and less about the politics of identity, people would understand and not flip out as they learn suddenly what a republic is.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Delaware has more than one vote for every 2o0,000 people Texas has less than one per 700,000. So my vote counts over three times more than a vote in Texas.
CPT (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Keep in mind that 2 of each state's representatives are senators, which are equal representation rather than proportional, and every state has at least one congressional district, so comparisons like you made are going to be badly skewed right from the beginning. Especially in states which have the minimum of representation in Congress already. If you really want Delaware to have less representation, that means you want your state to not have a congressman. Not at all practicable, but you could bring it up to your representatives if you wish. The fact remains that the people of our republic do not vote directly on federal questions (and the election of the chief executive of the federal government is a federal question if ever there was one). The people's representatives vote on these questions, which is why the artificial combination called the "national popular vote" is completely meaningless. President-elect Trump won 30 of the popular votes that matter in a republic made up of States, instead of merely regions or areas.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
CPT (Join to see) - I want the presidency to be detrinened simply by the will of the voters, or barring that that the Electoral college be allowed to work as it was intended, The Current set up is a corruption of the original and serves no practical purpose.
Trump himself called for a revolution when the electoral college overrode the poplar vote and called for riots and violence
Trump himself called for a revolution when the electoral college overrode the poplar vote and called for riots and violence

Trump hastily backtracks over calls for a 'revolution' after branding Obama's re-election a...
Moments after the president's victory was projected, real estate mogul Donald Trump took to Twitter to voice his outrage, demanding a 'revolution' - but he promptly removed the message.
CPT (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - The will of the voters is exactly how the presidency was determined, 1stSgt. The will of the voters of each of these United States, determining how their state's representatives would vote for them in this federal election. The people do not vote on any federal matter directly. Their representatives vote for them, because states are over people, and the federal government is over the states. If someone wants to have a direct governance over the people by the federal government, and direct decision of federal issues by the people rather than by the states, that person wants to live in a very different sort of country. Not the constitutional republic where we live.
Doing away with the EC and moving into a pure democracy would be detrimental to freedom. At any time during a pure democracy the mob can take away your property and/or your freedom, on emotional whim alone, or the heat of the moment. Stir up a crowd in a pure democracy and you will get mobocracy. We would fall as fast and as hard as Rome.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Very true, the government helps EVERYONE more than we all think or care to know. Whether it be from traffic safety to air pollution. They do serve a point!
The Clinton supporters are mad because they didn't get what they wanted and they do not understand how the system actually works. We don't do a really good job of teaching our kids about our system, civics, the proper role of government etc.
HRC does understand the system and she knows she lost what appears to be a fair election. Her supporters (or Trump detractors) want to bemoan and complain about a free and fair election.
The ballot box is the ultimate form of protest. It is your chance to deliver your message to the powerful. We did that. Trump won the election, they simply do not want to accept it. Cries about the electoral college are empty words used to justify uncivil behavior in our streets.
HRC does understand the system and she knows she lost what appears to be a fair election. Her supporters (or Trump detractors) want to bemoan and complain about a free and fair election.
The ballot box is the ultimate form of protest. It is your chance to deliver your message to the powerful. We did that. Trump won the election, they simply do not want to accept it. Cries about the electoral college are empty words used to justify uncivil behavior in our streets.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Your comment is very interesting and I think it raises a lot of good points! Your ballot is your voice!
Cpl Jeff N.
SGT(P) (Join to see) Don't construe that to mean that people do not have a right to peacefully protest and to have a redress of grievances from the government. What we are seeing now is criminal activity interlaces with protest. One covers the other. The ballot box is where we are allowed to make concrete changes. This party or person is out, another is in etc. We are 3 days after a national election. The people have spoken. The protestors refuse to accept it. That isn't reasonable protest it is abject stupidity.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
With all due respect to both you and the PROTESTORS, I think that they are voicing their concerns in a decent manner. The violent rioters who are vandalizing things and making the situation worse than it currently is, is my only concern. I also do think the protests are fairly childish considering you don't see anyone complaining BUT the supporters.
SFC (Join to see)
It's okay to protest peaceably. It's quite another thing to riot. In fact, peaceful assembly is a right granted to all under the Constitution.
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