Posted on Nov 4, 2015
With this tweet, do you perceive that Trump is using race as a means to attack another candidate? Is he a still a viable candidate?
I edited. I guess he didn't actually declare, just his actions and his disgraceful words make it appear that this man pretty much hates everybody other than white Christians. How could anyone who spews so much racist and mysoginistic garbage be considered as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, a country founded on the ideals of equality for all. CPT L S SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" CPT (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Capt Walter Miller CPT (Join to see)
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 19
SFC Joseph Weber The public likes drama and he gives it to them, every outrageous comment he makes gets him more publicity and he doesn't apologize for them or for who he is. Keeping the media focus on himself (great strategy). This seems to be what the public eats up so it's working for him. The public loves drama and crisis, it's the only time they really tune into the news. i.e. the reason for outrageous headlines. The longer he stays in the race the more viable of a candidate that he is. I noticed in his recent comments/debate that he is starting to sound more like a politician and less like a showman, obviously he's hired coaches. I think he punches below the belt quite a bit, not the kind of behavior we like to see but again it's working for him. He may just end up being the next President because of tactics.
SSG Audwin Scott
We all know the media will make something appear to be that isn't, by no means do I support Trump, but right is right.
I must have missed something. I'm not a fan of Trump for it here reasons. You just have to be white for Democrats to call you racist. It's not racist to want secure boarders. And the Democratic Party formed the kkk after the civil war. But you don't care that Hillary blamed a film maker of a you tube video that no one saw. And sent seven cop to perk walk him and him put in jail . And told her family and friends that Al Qaeda did it. So she is a viable candidate.
LTC Stephen B.
SFC Joseph Weber - More people throw around the 'racist' tag. Not sure how pointing out that Jeb likes to campaign in foreign languages and pander to various demographics is racist.
SFC Joseph Weber
LTC Stephen B. - Maybe he isn't. I do think he is pandering to people fears and secret feelings.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
SFC Joseph Weber - The Democrats already cornered that market. But people are frustrated. What country does not want secured boarders?
I think you may need to drink a little bit less Kool-aid. You are throwing some very strong words out there. I don't think he is a great speaker or really cares what he says to people but white supremacist is in another league.
SFC Joseph Weber
Yeah maybe. Racist and mysogynistic might be better. But throwing the swastika around so easily. Very disturbing.
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