Posted on Feb 11, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
I'm not surprised. Are you? After all, socialism promises to replace mommy and daddy with a paternalistic system that will provide for their every want thus allowing them to live as children in perpetuity. Personally, I consider this an indictment of the American education system. Civics has been eliminated from the classroom and Leftist ideologues have replaced it with indoctrination.

I'll tell you something else that's interesting: RP has a "Topic" for "Socialism" but not "Capitalism". What's up with that?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 52
Cpl Software Engineer
Edited 8 y ago
I'm not surprised. The fabian socialists began a campaign long ago to infiltrate and indoctrinate in our schools. It's been taught generation after generation, this stuff doesn't happen over night. We can see it here, some advocate against the US Constitution while swearing they are defending it; double think. Population control through smaller populations or the nanny state is central to their beliefs. Who supports the eugenics movement today, it's the left who support the eugenic's movement progeny; planned parenthood.

"Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished ... The social psychologist of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at: first, that influences of the home are 'obstructive' and verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective ... It is for the future scientist to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen."
Bertrand Russell quoting Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the head of philosophy & psychology who influenced Hegel and others – Prussian University in Berlin, 1810

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of Liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened.”

Norman Thomas Socialist Party presidential candidate in 1940, 1944 and 1948.
CPT Quentin von Éfáns-Taráfdar
CPT Quentin von Éfáns-Taráfdar
8 y
An excellent post! There is another book that I read 50 years ago and who's author I cannot remember called "None Dare Call It Treason"
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
CPT Quentin von Éfáns-Taráfdar - By John Stormer.

I read it too and had to do an 8th grade book report on it. I have that report somewhere. As I remember it was a very, very interesting read. Seems like, its time to get it again and reread it.
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
Cpl (Join to see) Thank you for the video. I had not seen this before. The whole issue of eugenics and people believing they are "superior" to others and when looking for usefulness in others, finding none, chooses discarding of human soul is - disgusting.
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SGT Tony Clifford
I will say that this is a broad generalization of the group. The biggest problem is that when the left gained power in education, they shut the door behind them. When you point to the body count that socialism has left most will concede that it's wrong. I simply tell them that from in the 20th century socialism killed more people than smallpox. When the scoff at that I tell them the numbers:
USSR 65 million
NAZI Germany 17-20 million
China 120 million
Cambodia 4 million
North Korea 3-6 million
Cuba 500000

Usually most are stunned by the revolation that NAZI is short for National Socialist. But the shear numbers makes people realize that if it were really that great the wouldn't need to kill so many people to get them to go along with it.
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SFC Marcus Belt
I think that "Millennials" perceive some aspects of Socialism as being better than what they perceive to be a federal plutocracy in D.C.

It's easy to generalize and dismiss them as immature and inexperienced, but older people have often become jaded to "business as usual" and forget that things COULD be better for more people.

As conservatives, we need to get away from "counter-narratives" and craft a cohesive, unified narrative that clearly articulates plans and programs that would benefit the majority of Americans. Without that, conservatives are viewed as a group of "old white men", whose only contributions to the national discourse are to oppose the President...without offering viable, politically palatable alternatives.

We simply must do better.
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PO2 Religious Programs Specialist
It is interesting that most of the comments here fail to accurately identify the different strands of "socialism"...

Are we actually talking about Marxist-Leninist ideology? ... the flavor implemented by the Soviets... Or are we talking about socialism as a sociological ideology?... are we limiting this conversation about economics only? What does the OP mean when he speaks about socialism?... What does the person being asked think socialism means?

The problem, as far as I see it within this thread, is that people have their own idea about what socialism means but people don't explore the depth of the concept. There is no much negativity associated with the term that it muddies any real conversation.

In my opinion... the broadest application of the concept is as follows:
1) Socialism is about viewing the world through the lens of economic vitality.
2) Socialism is about viewing relationships between people, and groups, in terms of power politics.
3) The application of Socialism requires the individual to strive to maximize social health, however they actually define "health"...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this theoretical approach. But this definition also doesn't explain ANYTHING about the particular ideology that a person actually has. Anything beyond these three points... anything more specific than these three points... is flavor. "Socialism", in this way, can be molded and refined to be incorporated into nearly any left-wing ideology or right-wing ideology.

This is why Democratic Socialism can be a polar opposite to the kind of Socialism that was used in the Soviet Union... It is all about the flavor that the person brings to the table.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Take a look at the The basic tenets are "Power to the People". Where did I hear that before? All sounds innocuous, until you see the word control so many times. Also, incrementalism comes to mind.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
PO2 (Join to see) - A few courses in business and economics would help. They are too ignorant to understand what socialism does in the long game.
PO2 Religious Programs Specialist
PO2 (Join to see)
>1 y
... you are using a fine point to paint a wide picture... And that is unfair to the conversation I am trying to have here...

Socialism is not some monolith that can be described away in a few sentences. It is a living philosophic principle that changes with every person that applies it to a situation.

It is a lot like Christianity in this sense. You have the basic principles... but then you have the various interpretations and incarnations that make each denomination different from the next. You can't just lump all Christians under the banner of the Westboro Baptist Church... It would be unfair to the Catholics, the Quakers, and the thousands of other groups.

Just like you can't assume that "Socialist" means "Marxist-Leninist" or "Soviet" or "Left-Wing"... The people over at the are not the same flavor as the Democratic Socialists in Northern Europe.

You have to be willing to understand what you are condemning so that your points are effective.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
Excellent point. Most arguments go off the tracks because people use the same words to mean different things. I always used "frog" to illustrate the issue and finally crafted a short story about it
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
Not surprised. Capitalism is based on the notion that you, not Mom and Dad...the Schools...your employer...the Government, are responsible for your own success. We've re-enforced the idea for the better part of a half century that there are "glass ceilings", that there's no such thing as a "secure" job, that a degree is "pointless". All of that may ring with some truth...but we haven't educated the last two generations that it was like that and WORSE for their predecessors. Somehow, our great grandparents and grandparents managed to save to world twice...rebuild the economy...invent the supercomputer and go to the Moon despite having been raised in a truly divided, class based society, Segregation, Depression and World War.
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1LT Intelligence Analyst
This is a complex topic. I do not doubt that many millennials misidentify as socialists. This could be due to a lack of education or the media consistently applying the label "socialist" to individuals, especially politicians who support welfare programs. I would find it disturbing for any American to support socialism--let alone a significant number of any generation.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
I wouldn't say it's a lack of education, more like deliberate indoctrination.
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SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
Generation X here.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
No I am not surprised CPT Jack Durish. Each generation tends to rebel against previous generations. Many college and university professors are very liberal unfortunately.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
I'm not sure this is youthful rebellion. It seems more like victimhood. Bernie Sanders appeals to the Millennials only because of their ignorance. The funny part is that he too is ignorant. He's a self-identified socialist who doesn't understand what socialism is.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
From my perspective, many of the younger Millennials I have seen don't want to work hard at anything, have a sense of entitlement, and need a drastic improvement with their set of values.
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SSgt Boyd Herrst
We need young people that have been raised conservatively to get educated(an alternative school is go to http// and it’s totally conservative. They accept no Federal funds to run the school[they also have Charter schools -K-12].. Any way get them degreed and out there ! Get more Charter schools So kids can get a conservative education .. as long as it takes no Fed funds, the gov’t can’t tell them they HAVE TO push some cialistic ideals.. Sure they’ll tell about them and how bad they are.. but not teach in that style.; telling how great Stalin and Marx and Castro were.. etc.,.. maybe we can get our country back on the right track..
We .. a group of conservatives had almost gotten possession of a school building that would of prob’ly been good enough to start a Charter school.. We were so close(but alas no cigar). And got stopped in our tracks.. we had talked to young people that were close to Graduating Hillsdaie and soon would be to come and teach.. we’d figured that by the time the soon to graduate had graduated we could start.. with time to get courses started.. We had so many wrenches thrown in our works.. about like when The socialist wanted to inject monitors in the homeschools to make sure they were following the curriculums the socialist school system had set up. That the Home schools would be fair to LGBTQ studies and not pick them apart..
Well geez what the frick is the use of homeschooling if we had to follow their curriculum? Well.. that was their point..
come back to public schools and be subject to trans-gender kids and Commies .. and other socialist lean’g Studies.. We thought after a study we done we would have enough to get our charter K to 12 school going. But as I said they said we had to do certain things to meet their agenda.. part of our program would be JROTC.. .. voluntary.. And of course the lefties said if you do that.. you have to include QLGBTQ studies .. we thought that was a ruse to get the studies in.. then we remembered up the trans-gender sitrep.. Well we put our plans aside, we were not destroying them just waiting for the right moment..
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 y
I have taken several of their free on line courses and can recommend them without reservation. If I had children seeking a liberal arts education, I would do all in my power to encourage them to select Hillsdale
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