Posted on Sep 25, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
From: The Bakersfield Californian

The man traveled to Bakersfield early Sunday in the belief he’d be spending time with the woman he loved.

But when he arrived at her south Bakersfield residence, three men wearing hockey masks punched, kicked and choked him to the point of passing out, according to police documents. The woman listened to the beating from a back bedroom.

The documents say the defendants — including Sergio Medina, the woman’s husband — are infantrymen in the U.S. Marine Corps. Medina, 20, Rodrigo Sanchez, 19, and Leonardo Ortiz, 19, have pleaded not guilty to charges including kidnapping with bodily injury and robbery, and are being held on $500,000 bail.

The victim was interviewed by police Sunday morning. He said he had arrived in the 2800 block of Lee Drive after receiving a Snapchat message from Diana Reyes, whom he met in 2012 and with whom he’d once been romantically involved.

The man said they talked often on social media about her marital troubles, according to the documents filed in Kern County Superior Court. She’d been trying to get him to come to Bakersfield, and he arrived at her home about 12:30 a.m. Sunday.

When he parked nearby, he received a Snapchat message saying, “Come in the door is unlocked,” the documents say. The man entered the home and was approached by three men in hockey masks who immediately began beating him.

They forced him to the ground and bound his wrists with zip ties, the documents say. Then they placed a belt around his neck, and the man told police he struggled so hard to breathe he nearly lost consciousness.

The documents say one of the men, whom the others called “Sergio,” asked him what he was doing at the house. He told him he was there to meet Reyes, and Sergio asked if he knew she was married.

The man said he believed she was getting a divorce and he was in love with her. The men laughed at him.

They held him captive for about 30 minutes, and released him after taking items including his cellphone and wallet, the documents say. They threatened to kill him.

“We know where your family lives and have your driver’s license, so don’t go to the cops,” the man said his assailants told him.

The defendants and Reyes followed the man as he drove from the neighborhood, the documents say. The man eventually parked at a 7-Eleven near Real Road and punched his vehicle’s OnStar button for medical assistance.

Police were contacted after he was taken to a hospital with injuries including an orbital fracture with his left eye swollen shut, bruising to his head and entire body, and swelling to his head and neck. The documents say abrasions were visible on his wrists and neck.

Police soon stopped Medina in a vehicle, and found Sanchez and Ortiz at a residence in the 5500 block of Monitor Street.

Medina admitted to assaulting the man, and he helped police locate some of the stolen items, according to the documents. He told investigators he had already destroyed the man’s cellphone, and police found other items had been partly burned.

Reyes told investigators that Medina told her to stay in a back bedroom shortly before the victim arrived, the documents say. She said she heard the men pummeling the victim.

Reyes said she and the victim never had sex, but she once kissed him while her husband was on deployment, the documents say. She also told detectives her husband knows her Snapchat password.
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Responses: 166
Sgt Rifleman
Riiiiiiight.... They 'only kissed' during his deployment.... Haha. As I look through these comments, I see people commenting about how 'they should be ashamed of themselves', and 'fry them' and all this other non sense....they are INFANTRY MARINES... We fight.... It's what we do.. It's what we live for... The other branches don't get it.... Hell, our own non-infantry personnel/officers don't get it either apparently.... You think these Marines cared about the consequences while they were beating a worthless civilian who knowingly tried to take a Marine's wife? Hell no! And being an Infantry Marine myself, I bet they'll accept whatever punishment they get like men, satisfied that they gave a little bitch what he deserved.... All you politically correct sheep that fill our ranks these days (and apparently this website as well) need to take a step back and realize what we are..... If these boys were under Chesty's command, they'd fill sand bags til their arms fell off, but I bet, at the end Of the day, he'd pat em on the back and tell em good job for not killing the little pussy, then go off on a tangent about how he once broke a beer bottle over a hippie's head for just looking at his girl.... Medina and you other 2.... Fight the good fight. And I hope it works out for you better than everyone here thinks it will... Oh yeah.... Lose the whore wife... Good job for not giving her what she deserves too
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
9 y
CPL Tony Natola - She gave it up Jody didn't take anything that wasn't offered.
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
>1 y
DAMN WESTPAC WIDOWS!!- I'm not condoning the neanderthal approach, (far from it)but the victim went to her home knowing she isn't divorced yet. I'm the first one for gung-ho spirit, but 3 on 1 is still a punk move no matter how you slice it, and they jumped the guy! IMO Chesty would be doing somersaults in his grave right now at their sheer cowardice. What they did showed no integrity whatsoever- they attempted to show their balls and ended up showing their asses instead. No pats on the back, cuffs on the wrists more likely.
>1 y
LTJG Gary Rowe, I bet you think REMF if a compliment too?
>1 y
CPL Tony Natola you might be a crazy and dumb paratrooper, but being a paratrooper has nothing to you being dumb. Don't speak for the rest of us, please. Here are two pieces of Intel for you: You have the right to remain silent, unfortunately you lack the ability. And "It's better to be thought stupid than to open your mouth and prove them right."
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Capt Lance Gallardo
Court Martial or Admin discharge time . . . was it worth it Marines? go to marriage counseling or get a divorce, the dirtbag you beat down now has the satisfaction of knowing you lost your career and probably your freedom when you gave him the beat down, falsely imprisoned him, and probably more charges coming that we are not aware of. We may have thought about doing what Medina did (if faced with a cheating spouse and her lover), but the difference is the rest of us thought out the repercussions and did not act on our worst impulses. A cheating spouse is not worth your job or freedom. Figure it out!
SGT Vehicle Operator/Dispatcher
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
CPO John Best - It has happened to me. I came back from Basic and surprised my GF at the time but as I walked into her room, she was getting pounded by another guy. I shoved my feelings down, turned around and walked off. So yes, these marines now need to face the consequences of their actions.
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
CPO John Best - We just don't get caught!!!
Cpl Gabriel F.
Cpl Gabriel F.
6 y
No Rickie and now Rosie ranger just marry Fort Braggart strippers dumb and happy. Giving Marines a role model of what not to be, a ice cream lapping dog face.
1SG John Millan
1SG John Millan
6 mo
I sympathize but bad planning was involved. Plus, a cheating spouse is not worth having. It's a shame they'll all burn over a POS.
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1SG Company First Sergeant
Bad planning. First never use real names, second never admit. Hey they need more training.
TSgt Vehicle Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
9 y
That's right TOP!
SSG Jason Axelson
SSG Jason Axelson
9 y
Awesome Top!
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
No Statement, No Poly, No Waiver. Works 60% of the time everytime 1SG.
Cpl Wayne Wallace
Cpl Wayne Wallace
9 y
As an investigator in Bakersfield they should of kept their mouths shut. Name, Rank S.S.# did they learn when told you have the right to remain silent do it.
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