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Posted on Feb 19, 2016
Senator Ted Cruz
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Responses: 340
COL Operations Officer (S3)
Mr. Cruz, you supported and even led the charge to shutdown the government twice that results in military and civilian employees going without pay and putting them behind in bills while accumulating late fees in order to support your religous values to defund Planned parenthood and other republican agendas. Why should we support you when you put yourself ahead of those that serve both in uniform and public service?
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SSG Brian Kuntz
Do you support thr Fair Tax and if so, will you do all you can to get that tax change passed?
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LTC James Bozeman
Senator Cruz - I believe that one of the most significant threats to America is it's aging infrastructure (vulnerable power and telecommunications grids, crumbling highways and roads, dams and rivers, sewer systems) - as a Presidential Candidate what are your visions, goals, and objectives to answer this threat? How would you rank this in our Domestic Policy as an achievable goal?
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
I have the answer to that one, a $860B Stimulus package for that purpose that can just be tacked onto the National Debt for future citizens. (that way the current taxpayers won't be hurt). Oh, wait a minute, we did that and threw it away on pork projects.
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1px xxx
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Edited >1 y ago
Dear Senator Cruz,
I know there are many other priorities. However, one near and dear to my heart is the provision of kind, compassionate, and adequate in patient and out patient psychological care for the women and men who suffer from "secondary" (also known as "compassionate") PTSD arising not out of combat, rather arising out of providing triage, preparation, surgical, post-op, and subsequent care for troops and civilians - often in an overcommitted mass casualty environment. Beyond this, what will you do about widely reported sexual abuse and rape of women and men who have committed their career lives to service in our armed forces???
Warmest, Sandy, US Army Nurse Corps, RVN, 70-73 http://www.linkedin.com/in/armynurse
p.s. I pray each day someone wise (not D Trump) is the Republican Presidential Candidate.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
MSG Chief Instructor
Senator Cruz,
As the military has faced cuts the service members are the ones that have really suffered, we have got less than 2% cost of living increase by the current administration every year (by law 1.7% is the minimum). What do you think is fair COLA for Military men and woman?
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CPL(P) Civilian Driver
I have been going over the topic of Ted Cruz with my brilliant cousin that is in law school in U of Min. He has one of the most analytical minds of anyone. I am neither for nor against Cruz, but there were some disconcerting things that we discovered.
Ted claims to adhere to constitutional originality. He is the son of an American mother, and a Cuban father, and was born in Canada. Based on current rulings, in a slightly sneaky way, he is eligible to run for president. However, based on his proclaimed belief system he should eliminate himself from the race. Here are the reasons: Under the original constitution a citizen was born on American soil, and if not on American soil then must have had both parents from the USA. If it were to be argued to one parent, then it must've been the father. Also, Canada is a birthright citizenship country. He was born in Calgary. This means he is technically a Canadian citizen if following original terms. Also, he fails to follow the Father's line and the claim that Cuba can make upon him as one of their citizens.
So in the 1940's they changed it so that either the mother or the father had to be a US citizen in order to claim a child as a citizen. Due to this Cruz was never naturalized, and that twist in interpretation allows him to run. However, it's hypocritical. He was not a "natural-born" citizen, and atop the previously mentioned things could be considered reasonably ambiguous.
I don't care for any politicians, but I do care about the honor one must have to go to office. This hypocritical act alone is enough for me to call out "dishonorable" but after it became fact that he personally admitted to weasel tactics during the campaign, I would find it interesting for him to be able to explain in full why he believes he's an exemption to his own proclamation of constitutional originality and how his Iowa and SC lying tactics were honorable in the least.
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
CPL(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks Mr collins
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
CPL(P) (Join to see) - Careful with that Mr. Stuff. I worked for a living just as you did. Chief or Roger will do fine.
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
CPL(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Roger that Chief!
MCPO Roger Collins
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Maj Christopher Kott
Hi Ted, when are you going to drop out?
Anyone running for President should not be eager to carpet bomb cities.
In one of the debates, you were asked if you would carpet bomb cities. You answered by saying you would carpet bomb where ISIS is. ISIS are in cities. So, you would carpet bomb cities. Just say it if that's what you mean. Are your plans to rebuild those cities after you level them?
PO2 Lisa Thomas
PO2 Lisa Thomas
>1 y
Amongst everything, this is by far his most disturbing comment. A self-righteous Holy Warrior born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Ted the Zealot.
Capt Mba Student
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
Today's globalized society allows us to see the suffering of people and humanize our enemies in ways that were never before possible. The opposite is not true from our media-sheltered third world enemies.

In 1938, only 7% of Germans identified as Nazis. The Gallup Center for Muslim Studies survey found that 36.6% of respondents in the Middle East felt that 9/11 was at least partially justified. Today we're fighting the sons of the insurgents we killed back at the start of OIF and OEF. The communities which embrace radical Salafist doctrine and violent jihad continue to preach those values in mosques, teach those values in madrassas, and reinforce those ideas at home.
We've been told that surgical strikes, winning "hearts and minds", and restrictive ROE have been the way to win wars in the 21st century. However, we've simply attempted to make humane the nature of war, which is inherently inhumane.

We didn't fire bomb Tokyo with the intention of rebuilding, or nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki to wins hearts and minds, and we didn't reduce Germany to rubble so that they would one day love us. We did it so that they would never EVER raise a hand against us ever again, because that's what war is. Perhaps if we intend to win wars again, the question is not how much plan to rebuild those cities, but whether we'll salt the Earth once we've destroyed them.

The nature of war never changes.
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PO3 Gilbert Velasquez
Sen. Cruz,
Thank you for taking the time to do this Q&A session with us. It seems like many of the candidates are talking a lot about doing a lot for veterans more than years past. I know that the VA is a totally broken and dysfunctional system.

My question to you is what will you do to help my brothers and sisters that are homeless and those that are taking their lives at record rates? Veteran homelessness is near 25% and more veterans have taken their own lives than those killed in the Iraq conflict. It infuriates me to see illegals and refugees get better and faster healthcare and housing than my brothers and sisters. This is why I and many others feel like we (veterans) are being used as pawns in this chess game of campaigning.
Thank you for your time Sen Cruz.
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SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
Senator Cruz, according to the U.S. Constitution you are not eligible to be president of the United States of America, so why are you being allowed to campaign for the position?

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
>1 y
Js Wardell - Ahhh, but his father was not, nor has he ever been, a United States citizen, which means Senator Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen.
Lawyers interpreting something the way they "think" it should be does not make it right.
I too have studied Constitutional law extensively, and there was a reason our founding fathers made sure this requirement was in there.
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
>1 y
Pasting this from another comment on this thread.
There is a difference between "natural born citizen" and a "naturalized citizen". Mr. Levin is correct that Senator Cruz is a U.S. citizen but he is NOT a natural born citizen. Just like MSG Brad Sand said above, they would not have distinctively said "natural born" citizen if any citizenship would suffice.
It was quite clear back then what that meant, but unfortunately attorneys have been trying to put their own spin on what a natural born citizen is for awhile now, that does not make it true.
Maybe this will help; it says some of what has already been said above and more. http://www.federalistblog.us/2008/11/natural-born_citizen_defined/
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
>1 y
Hopefully this will help explain it even better, as Vattel's The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law (1758) is what the natural-born clause was based on.
"§ 212. Citizens and natives.
The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country."
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer - You apparently missed a few classes
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SFC Jay Needham
Why don't you and the GOP understand that the majority in the country political beliefs have shifted more to the left, so being a more centered President means quit trying to cram evangelical beliefs down our throats. in fact this country is almost 50% secular. All I hear is 2nd amendment this and that what about Freedom of religion? That was the reason this continent was colonized, that means all religions, the founding Fathers foresaw the need for the separation of Church and state.. As a 54 year old middle class white male, and a combat vet I am not some country bumpkin. I was raised as an independent and vote split ticket some times but the more I see the GOP swing further to the right the more I am Leary. I also think that Campaign finance reform is drastically needed as Washington is bought and paid for. I also believe congressmen needs to be held to no more than two terms, this running every two years crap means noting gets done and a congressmen sitting in Washington for 20 and 30 years is bull shit. as they spend 1 year out every one of their terms is spent running for re-election.
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