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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Dec 19, 2023
CPT Alex Gallo
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Responses: 32
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Kill the terrorists. Don't leave them alive to require housing and then negotions for their freedom
LCpl Craig A. Charbonneau
LCpl Craig A. Charbonneau
6 mo
My sentiment exactly
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CPT Jack Durish
"Doctor" covers a broad spectrum of skills. Medical doctors are divided into many disciplines. Almost every organ and part of the body has its own specialist. While focusing on one or even several symptoms, another may kill the patient. (Forgive the personal note, but my brother died of undetected lung cancer last month, while a team of doctors focused on his heart, kidneys, and arterial system.) Then there are doctors of philosophy who all wrote dissertations, some plagiarized. In every case, doctors are easy prey for those who assume that doctors know everything. Or, as Thomas Sowell states it, we assume that those who are highly expert in one specific field of knowledge, know everything about everything. Sadly, many doctors agree. Thus, I'm not sure "doctor" is the term you were looking for.
In the case of terrorism, if we were to apply your concept of the doctor, we might be better served employing a doctor of psychiatry (with a specialty in criminal pathology). After all, terrorist more closely resemble criminals than anything else. Or possibly a veterinarian if you think like me and consider terrorists to be animals without any human qualities other than physical resemblance to human beings.
One last note for your consideration. We might do better if we actually began listening to terrorists and believing what they say. I grow weary of people ascribing motives to terrorists that contradict what they themselves say. While a doctor may attempt to study the terrorist and seek a cure, wouldn't they be far better off simply listening to what they say and believing them? Forget negotiation. Israel has tried that "cure" many times. They've ceded territory to the terrorists. Given them aid and refuge, all to elicit some compassion in return. The terrorists take whatever they are given, defile it, then attack.
During the late 18th and early 19th Century, Muslim pirates attacked American ships, stole their property, and enslaved their crews. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson traveled to Paris to meet a Muslim ambassador and asked why they did this. The US never made war on Muslim nations. The US didn't attempt to colonize them. The ambassador was surprised at their confusion. "The Koran gives us permission to do these things. You are infidels." And we and the Israelis are still infidels to be murdered and enslaved to this day. It's in the Koran. Read it and believe. That is how they will treat us and that is why.
With that assumption firmly fixed, now consider how to respond.
Sgt Mervyn Russell
Sgt Mervyn Russell
3 mo
I agree with most of you, Kill them all. but, what does that make us? Are we just as criminal? Do you become what they are?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 mo
Concur. It is infinitely difficult to be a Doctor with over 1000 dead, women and kids raped, people murdered and tortured. Hamas knew what it was doing. It wanted to escalate the violence, thereby, making peace immeasurably difficult to attain.
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SGT Ruben Lozada
Good afternoon CPT Alex Gallo. Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this Sir. I don't think that Isreal can learn much from the US. But, I'm sure that the US has sent funds to the Gaza Strip already. :-<
PO2 Dean Wilder
PO2 Dean Wilder
5 mo
WE DID .............................. HUMANITARY AID ...................... (aiding Israel's enemy)
PO3 Ron Cowher
PO3 Ron Cowher
20 d
Just get rid of them. Period. It wouldn't hurt to 'warn' their family member to not even think about terrorism.
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The 9/11 Parable: What Can Israel Learn from the United States’ Post-9/11 Counterterrorism Experience?
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
I suppose the one thing that sticks out in my mind is we need to recognize and admit when a people is not capable of self government. The so called Palestinians are such a people. They have been taught hate from the day they were born and it is a part of their being. In my opinion the only thing you can do with them is create a border and protect yourself. Any kindness you show them will be taken as weakness. MHO
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 mo
When you look at what the US did with Japan and Germany and what Israel has tried to do with Palestine each time they attack, one method clearly works and one does not. HAMAS would not be doing what they are doing without civilian support.
Maj Bruce Miller
Maj Bruce Miller
5 mo
Good points, all. This unfortunate event has shown us two immutable truths to which we cannot afford to become complacent. 1: Be vigilant and be ready 2: The second amendment to our Constitution is as applicable today as it was when written in 1791.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
Maj Bruce Miller The mob (Democracy) will always be at our door waiting and trying to take what isn’t there’s. Thank God we live in a Constitutional Republic.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
2 mo
In my opinion we are focusing way to hard on other areas of the world, while ignoring the fact that our borders are and have been wide open. Undoubtedly we have let in hundreds, maybe thousands of this who wish to do us harm. I don't care who is in office, they are failing. I hope we can afford to wate and see what the future holds.

Our country is vulnerable and we are letting it happen. God Bless America.
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
If the UN gets out of the way, Israel will eliminate Hamas in one fell swoop. We messed up by trying to nation build and letting tribes coalesce and continue fighting. Eliminate those that would continue the war, and peace can come for the Palestinians.
PO2 Dean Wilder
PO2 Dean Wilder
5 mo
PO2 Dean Wilder
Maj Bruce Miller
Maj Bruce Miller
5 mo
Amn Dale Preisach - Yes, I hear ya, and your reasoning is good. But carry it forward one more step. If I'm an Hamas (or other) oppressed Palestinian, I live in Gaza and can see what's building, wouldn't it be in my...and my family's.....best interest to give the Israelis an anonymous heads-up so they can at least blunt the initial invasion before it get's started and thousands of innocents are butchered. The longer term result would be something much less than Palestinian's are having to endure today from the Israeli retaliation.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
5 mo
Maj Bruce Miller what we see in Gaza is just a mini type Vietnam. Decades of tv, print, movies, even kid shows denouncing Israeli/ Jewish persons much the same way Goebles trained the German " aryan" peoples via all media and experience to despise the Jewish people.
Every where in the nations of most of the Middle and near east countries and the population of those countries has been immersed from cradle to grave in antisemitic propaganda . I take the Vietnam reference in the fact that if the South Vietnamese helped the American/ Brits/ Australian Troops in any way, then those helpers were noted, watched, and harmed physically to the point of Death and beyond. Their families were denounced, no one would help them, no one would give them any assistance. They were ostracized, and cut off from all contact,,, if they were lucky.
The palestinians have the same predicament. If they do the HumanE thing and alert the authorities, they risk not only their lives but those of their families. If theyare seen or heard of helping the Authorities , no palestinian would even lift a finger to give them any food. Employment , any shelter, ... The persons would become an outcast throughout the middle East and any village/ neighborhood / community of Arab settlement throughout the World. Including the USA . So, if they try to do the Right thing, they have nothing to gain and everything - including their Lives - to lose. Just like the South Vietnamese.
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Amn Dale Preisach
How to cut and run leaving allies in the lurch. Also, how to supply your enemy with top of the line equipment and weaponry. Not to mention having the ROE ever-change and becoming so confusing the soldiers have to check with command just to see if giving aid to injured civilians is allowed or not.
None of this is the fault of soldiers and sailors fighting to bring peace to the civilians. It's all on the politicians that want to micromanage every iota of a war that's thousands of miles and ever changing situations of conflict.
You have to check with command just to see if you can fire back at the enemy that opens fire on you....
What can Israel LeArN from us?? ...
How to screw up a victory and empower your enemy.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
6 mo
Some sad history here.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 3 mo ago
The doctor can’t fix open wounds that won’t heal. The Palestinians want statehood and their are no suitable alternatives. That ideology will remain unchanged.
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1SG Russell S.
They can learn how to get mired into mission creep and turn their operation into a 20 year TCS revolving door and they can learn how to confuse strategy with tactics and they can learn how to micromanage companies from Bde and Div level. Lots of lesions to learn.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Answering your headline question, I think the biggest lesson is to not lose who you are.

With the Patriot Act and the ever expanding NDAAs since 9/11, I believe that it can be argued that the terrorists unequivocally won. We now live scared. We now live under surveillance from our own government. We have given away our liberty, freely, in the name of security. In the words of (I believe) Ben Franklin, we deserve neither.

Yes, both 9/11 and 10/7 were horrific attacks which call for response. But I would urge Israel to remember who they are as a nation and as a people. And to not lose sight of that in a quest for either revenge or safety.

Answering the post, I would disagree with needing a doctor. When terrorists attack, it is not incumbent upon the victim to cure the state sponsoring / sheltering / fomenting the terrorists. It is incumbent upon the victim to eliminate the threat in such a manner that no one else thinks about it. A Commander is called for.

But remember, the BEST Commanders are willing and able to change strategies as they get new Intel - and they are ALWAYS both asking for and getting new Intel. The problem with Bush's Commander approach was not that he acted too swiftly or decisively, it was that he got tunnel vision. Bush was unwilling to adapt to changes on the ground. He forced the Intel to fit his vision rather than adapting his vision to the Intel. That isn't a problem with the Commander approach, it is a problem with the actual Commander.

As long as there are oppressed or suppressed people, as long as inequality exists, as long as there are those who FEEL persecuted, terrorism will exist. Attempting to "cure" terrorism is a fools errand.
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CPL LaForest Gray
The Doctor Approach still only looks at the surface level root causes of terrorism, to see how to control it … not prevent it.

Hearts and Mind

Basic Humanity is how prevent Terrorism and creating Terrorist.

Terrorism root cause be it a lone wolf terrorist or group of individuals who then become a terror cell. Their grieves general start with believing their voices aren’t heard which then becomes no one cares … hopelessness create terrorist the same way it create the spree killer.

Their core grievances and ideologies are the same : They don’t matter and therefore humanity must pay.

The core root of all terrorism is the devalue of others that they’ll do ANYTHING to be heard.

People still don’t listen.

All (4) modules are self-goal oriented and will continue to fail. They fail because they lack humanity are are both political and military driven. Humans will resist … those that lack empathy and humanity create their very problems and Trojan Horses.

U.S. counterterrorism policy during the 20 years following 9/11 revealed four distinct
"profiles for policymakers engaging in counterterrorism:

1.) The Commander
2.) The Prosecutor
3.) The Negotiator
4.) The Doctor

SOURCE 1 : https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/FOIA/DF-2015-00044%20(Doc1).pdf

SOURCE 2 : https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-political-affairs/bureau-of-counterterrorism/

SOURCE 3 : https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/National-Strategy-for-Countering-Domestic-Terrorism.pdf
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