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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Aug 14, 2014
SSG V. Michelle Woods
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Responses: 197
CPT Military Police
SSG V. Michelle Woods I commend you for posting this. The majority of men in the service are men of honor. I believe we (Soldiers) stand for each other regardless of gender.
SFC Retired
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I believe that it we all swore the same oath and wear the same uniform in defense of our nation. We are suppose to treat each other as family. I regard the Soldiers that I work with as brothers and sisters and, these days as I have gotten older, sometimes as my children. I think of them all as family, even across the branches. Should anyone decide to assault my family, they would be in for a world of hurt. I would gladly stand up for anyone who is being treated unfairly. The sexual assault issue is tearing at our ranks and causing undue stress. We all need to eliminate those who threaten our moral bearing.
SFC Christopher Springs
SFC Christopher Springs
>1 y
Great post and I commend all those in uniform who stand together as brothers and sisters in arms.!
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Is it just me or do these marines look really young? The fish eye camera makes them look like kids in the picture.
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
>1 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods - Did you just mumble something, young'un?
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
I wish my troops felt that way instead of calling me an old, salty SSG haha!
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
>1 y
Just try to remember back when you thought that a 20-something drill sergeant was incredibly old and worldly wise, SSG V. Michelle Woods.

And remember also how often old age and cunning trumps youth and enthusiasm -- especially if the cunning is enthusiastic.
MSG Jason Sikes
MSG Jason Sikes
>1 y
?????? you old? salty? I get the SSG part but, not the other two. Maybe the troops just need a teach and train lesson.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Unfortunately if I did this in the Army I would be ostracized, if not for Equal opportunity than for sharp.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
If you can name one soldier who prevented another soldier from being assaulted or harassed and was then ostracized and punished for an EO or SHARP complaint, then I'll give you $1,000.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
9 y
I like your interpretation better TSgt Hunter Logan!
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SSG Apsg
I must say that i don't agree with what say about army soldiers. it all has to so with the environment one foster, coming up through the ranks i see the good and bad. And i will say if you think u can get away with it mess with one of the female in or around my watch and find out.
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1LT William Clardy
SSG V. Michelle Woods, I think you are mistaking a primal male response with some uniquely military sense of honor.

What those Marines did was nothing more than what my dormmates and I were prepared to do when a coed we knew collapsed in front of us after escaping from a would-be rapist -- as soon as she described her attacker, all but one of us (one of the guys had the sense to help her to a chair and call the police) was out the door scouring (unsuccessfully) the area around the dorm. Somewhere, I still have a copy of the school paper where we responded to an accusation that we acted like a bunch of "angry white dudes" looking for a black guy in jeans (the description we got was a bit more detailed than what got published in the paper).

You could call what we did some expression of Southern honor, but the reality was that we were presented with a no-question instance of one of our women being roughed up, and in our Neanderthal brains that meant we were driven to respond to protect her. The situation was clear, and we acted almost without thinking. We were of the same mind as the man who shot his son's molester.

Most sexual harassment experiences are nowhere near as undeniable, nor do they offer an opportunity for such dramatic heroism.

I still remember being baffled that a friend I met on my first deployment to Germany got no traction with her chain of command as her NCOIC's actions drove her from being a firecracker of a PV2 to accepting a discharge not much more than a year later. Thirty years later, I still feel I should have done something more, but I'll be damned if I can see what I could have done -- I was in a border Cav unit, and my home station (when we were there) was a kaserne 20 or 30 miles from where she was stationed, and the Army was overflowing with discipline problems in those days.

(Yes, I'm rationalizing my inaction, because remembering her tears still revives my first urge, which was to punch out the SOB. I'm not sure where I picked up the notion that problem people can be solved by an appropriate application of violence.)

Protecting women from harassment is much harder than stopping a blatant assault, and I think there are several posts here which show that the Marines haven't solved that fuzzier issue either.
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PO1 Fire Controlman
Though it may seem simple, that's a very complex question. The military teaches us to see each other as equal regardless of gender. However human nature thinks otherwise. In my experience in the Navy I usually see females receive either preferential treatment or prejudicial. Rarely do I see the gender blind style of leadership. Though most female service members would not want any special treatment, many can't deny they benefit from it. Unfortunately there are those that use this to their advantage, giving all a bad rap. There are also those male leaders with ulterior motives for "protecting" their females. Usually they are easy to spot. In closing I say you should expect help simply for wearing the uniform.
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SP6 Jessica Regan
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
I can't answer for the men. I know I would step in if I saw a dude harassing or assaulting another dude. I would hope you would do the same.
Cpl Ray Fernandez
Cpl Ray Fernandez
>1 y
Other men, and women. Gender doesn't mean you can't help or be helped by others.
SGT Gest Wangsness
SGT Gest Wangsness
>1 y
I think All branches should stand up if its a man or woman. Doesn't matter id your AF Or Navy.... We all do the same thing in the end and thats Serve Uncle Sam.
SGT Joseph Jones
SGT Joseph Jones
>1 y
It's human nature to protect women it's in your brain from biblical times. Men have been protectors and providers and considered weak if you don't stand up for yourself is the simple answer
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CMDCM Gene Treants
I do find it very telling that no Active Duty Marines, Male or Female have responded to this thread. The only response from any Marine so far has been from a Vet who was just wondering at the value of any women in the Corps in Infantry at all; that is telling, but not news.

I really do not think it makes a difference in today's military, if you make enough noise, people will come to investigate and help. At least I have to believe rape is no longer a team sport.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
10 y
Hmm...Im not sure why they're not showing up CMDCM Gene Treants but there has been a great deal of feedback from Marines on this thread.
Lol yes sir, I know the Marine you're referencing.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
Okay, I am finally seeing a few posts, maybe more will respond. Thanks for the post and the thread. It is timely and enlightening to say the least. And most Men do seem to feel that supporting their Sisters and brothers is very important!
Cpl Bulk Fuel Specialist
Cpl (Join to see)
10 y
MCPO, SSGT , as A Marine if I had ever seen those type of dispicible actions..he who was in the act...excuse me please..professional or carrer or not, the perp would have been beaten by me ..atleast till either the perp was knocked out, or till the mp's got there .I can not and would not stand idly by....I do not care if i get voted up or down on this comment..simply put you just don' t act like that period.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
I fully agree Cpl (Join to see)
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MAJ Derrick J.
This was never shown to me during my command time or in other staff officer positions, ever.

I always gave "the talk" about this and made it clear I would crucify anyone caught doing it, but I also warned about making false accusations.
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MAJ Sheldon Smith
Yes. We are our brother's (and sister's) keeper. I've always felt that men who sexually assault (or even disrespect) others are not worthy of my friendship. And, yes I will act if I ever catch anyone in the act. Only we can change the culture of the military or elsewhere. Friends don't let friends abuse our fellow service members.
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