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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 26, 2015
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
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Responses: 156
CSM Michael Lynch
SFC Mark Merino This tells you it is come sooner than you think.
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MSgt Marvin Shockey
I don't believe this is a military question, possibly posted by a small heavily vocal minority. Serving admirably has nothing to do with who you have sex with.
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MSG Greg Kelly
I do not for the life of me understand why this is an issue. When a Vet dies are we going to start putting on the head stones here lies Joe Tent Peg Winner of the Silver Star he was gay or transgender. Why does it matter? The people making an issues out of this seem to be the folks that fall into the categories of the topic. Throughout my career I never once just voleentered or ran around telling my fellow soldiers I was married. If asked I answered and I never told my soldiers what my wife I did in the privacy of our bedroom that is and was personal information. So why is the sexuality or personal lives of military personnel such in issue now? As long as you did/do your job and kept your personal life personal nobody really cared then or now. Or is this another case of the squeaky wheel gets the grease. And people are trying to force their beliefs and agenda on everyone else? If that is the case those of you doing this are wrong, you cannot force people to except you and your life style. Just like America is free for you to be whom and what you are others are free to not like you for it. Forcing others against their will are the very reasons many people join the military, to fight for the weak and stand for freedom against tyranny. It’s the same issue with the White House trying to stop Christian military personnel from being able to pray so how is one right and the other wrong. How is it right for a homeless American Vet to be shot in the back by police or vets to be on the street hungry and our government turns a blind eye. But man when it comes to sexual beliefs, lifestyle, anti Christian, pro Muslim, allow your children to run wild because discipline is wrong unless it’s from the government. And we the government know what is best for you because you’re too stupid to run your lives. These things are ok but saying the pledge is wrong? What has happened to common sense and courtesy? Have people in the military become so hung up on themselves and selfish they have forget common good or have the people joining military forgotten they have to sacrifice to serve.
SSgt Security Police Supervisor
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
I can promise you gays do not discriminate against themselves. The discrimination comes from people who are not gay, and that's the only reason it is an issue at all.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
What fuels the argument is not a bow wave of previously barred transgendered people that are going to arrive over night to fill every low density MOS, defend our cyber networks, pass SFAS in a single bound, speak three languages, score 300 on an APFT, qualify expert on all weapon systems, and fix all our problems. It is the fact that the military classifies it in current regulation as a pejorative mental condition. There are those that disagree and take offense. If you get the DoD to change, it makes it "accepted" and the agenda gains legitimacy. Every human being has a hierarchy of needs, starting with breathing; food/water; shelter; safety; and ends with social acceptance and ultimately self actualization. These people are hopelessly stuck in the middle, and for that I have sympathy. I have bigger things to worry about that I can actually effect. I don't need to pick on these folks to defend my domain. I do push back on people who join tfor selfish reasons and shirk the service part of this life. If you are here to serve the organization and all that comes with it, I have nothing but acceptance.
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SGT Francis Wright
Look the point should be that one serves a purpose bigger than yourself. For the greater good. One does not serve to make a statement "look at me, look at what I am and what I did". Serve to make a difference, not to make a statement.
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SFC Cryptologic Network Warfare Specialist
Where is the stone honoring all the heterosexual veterans killed in action?
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
PO1 Autumn Sandeen PO; You might have missed the fact that most of those 18 countries have "figured it out" by emphasizing that it simply doesn't matter and not by "celebrating the differences".

There is LESS "diversity" in those military because they don't have (for example) "Gay soldiers, Lesbian soldiers, Bisexual soldiers, Transgender soldiers, 'Queer' soldiers, and Straight soldiers" they simply have "soldiers".
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
>1 y
Well, I'd argue that's not 100% true. They each have documents that deliniates policy that implement transgender integration into their militaries.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
PO1 Autumn Sandeen PO; Of course they have documents. When did you ever know the military to do anything (official) without documents.

Where successful those documents can be summed up as follows:

[1] All positions are open to all service members REGARDLESS of current gender.

[2] All positions are open to all service members REGARDLESS of current sexual orientation.

[3] All service members fall under the appropriate regulations for their current gender REGARDLESS of any prior gender.

Translated into "GovSpeak" those three points seldom take up more than 200 pages of specific regulations or more than 500 pages of legislation.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
10 mo
Near the stone where heterosexuals were discriminated against.
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SSG Kevin McCulley
Edited >1 y ago
Firstly, by the explanations I have been given, being trans is a medical issue not a sexual orientation so that entire message was a false equivalency. I think it goes without saying they cannot transition while in the service right? Should we pay a soldier to be on active duty and non deployable for x number years? I also point out that 18 other countries don't have the most powerful fighting force on the planet. Other 'states' burn people in cages. Should we?

I was also a medic. I have concerns for an Infantryman in austere conditions that needs constant hormone medication on an extended 'oh shite conventional WWIII' situation. Regardless of the situation's probability, someone's self esteem is not worth national security.

Let's take your message as read for a moment, I'll also point out that I'm a gay soldier and I think that was a far less complicated issue anyway. Besides during DADT, I was a god damned proud line medic and that identity was an order of magnitude more important to me than the gay identity.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
Always remember, the citizen becomes the soldier. The Soldier subsumes all.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
SSG Kevin McCulley - Staff; I noticed the crashing silence which followed immediately upon your "I'll also point out that I'm a gay soldier and I think that was a far less complicated issue anyway. Besides during DADT, I was a god damned proud line medic and that identity was an order of magnitude more important to me than the gay identity.".

I guess that that's because people don't actually believe that you are "a gay soldier" since you aren't wearing lipstick and a feathered boa with your uniform.

I'm sure that those people are just dying to ask you how you managed to do your ruck marches while wearing high heels.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
9 y
Hell, I could probably do it in whatever footwear I put on my feet. Rucking was the one thing I was a stud at... more like a damned pack mule.
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MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
My opinion on this as long as they do their job I don't care. This will happen at some point...the military shouldn't be a social experiment but it kind of is. We've been breaking barriers down for years showing the world that what was thought to be impossible is possible. Will it be possibly awkward at times yes...but most things are as ackward as we make them to be.
Now do I want to pay for someone to get it done...Nope. I don't want to pay for physically and mentally able people to be on food stamps and welfare either because it's easier than finding a job....but I do. It's a can of worms that once opened we'd be best ready to handle. Embrace the idea is the only way to go
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SFC Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist
Too many people think of policies like DADT and like policies as actions taken against LGBT individuals. they are not. DADT was not put in place because "we don't want no gays in our mili'try" but because we knew there already were LGBT individuals serving, and they were serving along side a LOT of bigots in the military at that time. we don't like to mention that, while the military strives to be an equal opportunity force, there were a LOT of people who hated homosexuals serving back then. If a homosexual service member outed themselves or was outed another way, they were liable to be the victims of violence from those bigots. DADT was the military's way of protecting LGB service members in the only way it could from the command level. We now no longer fear that, so DADT was no longer necessary. I myself was personally afraid that when DADT was repealed an openly gay service member would become a victim, effectively setting the military back 50 years on the subject. I was relieved nothing happened.

Now, when it comes to transgender individuals, I think we will, but the military likely just doesn't know HOW to deal with the unique logistical situation they think transgender service members will bring with them (which is probably an inaccurate idea, remember how we heard about different barracks and latrines/showers for gay SMs? did we see those? no, because it was a dumb idea and we didn't need them). What would speed up the process would be transgender individuals currently serving in silence writing letters (even anonymously) to high level military officers about their experience, stating that they don't have limits like they might be perceived to have, or what problems they face with reasonable solutions. If Transgender service members want to be represented and accommodated communication is the key.
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
>1 y
Very true! I've written letters to my state senators and also spoken with my command leadership. Now that I'm getting out, my goal is to continue the fight forward until there are equal rights for everyone serving in the military! We'll never give up :)
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
LTJG (Join to see)

Midshipmen, where are you getting all this knowledge of the working within the military in the past? With an all volunteer force we enter knowing the current rules and if we lie or falsify information, we pay a price. When those rules are changed or are amended then we work within the new rules.
I think it would be a terrible idea to try to reshape the US Military on a model of the nations you are mentioning. IF America wants to give up it status as the World Superpower, reduce the size and scope of the military, then we can talk about pushing such a plan but if we want to remain the ‘The United States of America’ then such an action is ignorant, delusional or the plan of people willing to sacrifice American lives for a personal agenda.
PO1 Donald Hammond
PO1 Donald Hammond
>1 y
How about we all just say we are a soldier, sailor, airman, marine and not try to identify by our sexual preferences, color of our skin, religion etc etc. Just do your job and not worry about the rest of it. I always expected the sailors below me to be sailors. Nothing else.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
10 mo
PO1 Donald Hammond - We don't live in a perfect world.
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SPC Larry Buck
Well I'll say this, remember what Vice President Biden said about just gay and lesbian soldiers, who cares so long as they can shoot!!! Not exact wording, but Mr Vice President speaks his own way!
SPC Larry Buck
SPC Larry Buck
>1 y
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1SG First Sergeant
To me the bottom line is that if this does happen it will be 10 to 20 years down the road based on how slow thoughts, policy, public opinion and the operational environment (culturally speaking) change. Ever one is has posted some valid roadblocks that would keep Transgender Soldiers from serving openly and there are many more out there which need to be taken into consideration. PO1 Seadeen, you are correct in your evaluation that the military didn't imploded when DADT was repealed and the services where prepared to handle openly gay service members to serve because all of us knew people who were. However, the services were not ready to handle all the questions, policy changes that might need to take place, how to handle situation where same sex marriages erode and the member is unable to get a divorce. I could go on and on, but let be honest the military is not ready for it and it's an issue that doesn't not need to be forced at this time.
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