Posted on May 1, 2024
SGT Boe Marshall
Friends, Brothers, and Sisters,

I am writing to share my success with a diet study led by Dr. Kathleen Holton at American University. To be 100% transparent, I am not paid to solicit your consideration and participation. I am sharing these posts on FB GWI pages and on Rally Point because it is here where I got my start in getting help, after my local VA PCP did not know about toxic exposures and GWI.

I completed the first diet study in 2018, and being more thoughtful and proactive about what I put in my mouth completely changed my life: I went from scoring roughly 30th percentile to 80th on cognitive tests; I got some energy back; my overall pain decreased a lot; my stomach and poop situation improved; and my naturally good mood improved. In other words, I became much less depressed zombie.

To be sure, I do not believe that there is exists a cure for our Gulf War Illness, but I am in control of my symptoms and misery-index with what I eat.

I put my mouth where my money is and answered a literal call to arms: I have completed over 15 clinical trials for GWI, and I say with sincerity that eating better, given my exposures and health problems, makes all the difference in my quality of life. Importantly, I used the results of all of the studies as evidence for the VBA and am more than 100% service connected (it took me 10 years).

Regardless of where you live, if you are able to be disciplined, you could travel to DC (on their nickel), where you will meet caring doctors and clinicians who will listen to your situation, tell you exactly how to eat, and provide science-backed guidance to help you take care of yourself. And, if you live in the Northeast US or Florida, you may be able to travel to your local sites.

Please call the number below or follow the link below for some basic screening questions; one of the caring staff members with reach out to you ASAP. I understand that not all of us are well enough to complete these types of studies. Further, I have no medical training (other than basic combat medic skills), and I rely on people in the VA and in the research community. My life is better, now that I at least speak the language of GWI and presumptive illnesses.

If possible, please pass this on to friends and family who may benefit from this diet study.

So, think about your commitment to feeling a bit better and reach out to these outstanding human beings that are 100% committed to building the science to help us.

Boe, E-5, MRLS, B-1/27 FA, Babenhausen, Germany
From Dr. Holton’s Staff:
“We are excited to announce that we have started recruiting for our next study!
In our previous research, we have demonstrated significant improvement in all GWI symptoms using a dietary treatment. This study is attempting to confirm these results in a larger and more diverse sample.
If you are interested in seeing if you are preliminarily qualified for this study, please click the below link:
Contact info: Email: [login to see] , or reach out to Houra Taheri at [login to see] , or phone: [login to see] .”
Posted in these groups: 1 1 Operation Desert Shield/Storm
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Responses: 5
SGT Kevin Hughes
I sent this along to my Nephews and Nieces who were deployed. Netflix has a documentary on how gut bacteria can help with certain conditions...and it is all based on what you put in your mouth. So this made sense to me. I am so glad you improved under your new diet. And you have probably helped a lot of folks to get healthier. Proud of you Soldier!
SGT Boe Marshall
SGT Boe Marshall
2 mo
Thank you very much SGT Hughes! That means a lot... Dr. Holton is an expert on our gut-brain connections, and she's spend no small amount of time with we GWI vets. And, thank you for spreading the work.
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SSG William Jones
Very interesting to us Gulf War guys.
SGT Boe Marshall
SGT Boe Marshall
2 mo
Thank you, SSG Jones. I hope this finds you and yours doing well.
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SFC Jimmy Arocho
Here is the official hyperlink to the Confirmation of Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness, the study may be completed at three(3) locations, Boston, Fort lauderdale, and Washington DC:
SGT Boe Marshall
SGT Boe Marshall
1 mo
Good Afternoon SFC: I completed the original study in 2018, and though it was not easy I learned enough to completely improve my life, but not poisoning myself with the wrong foods and chemicals.
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