American College

American College

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SSgt Timothy Prevost

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The American College Center for Military and Veterans Affairs proudly supports those who serve with scholarships to designation and degree programs for career advancement. Earn an exclusive scholarship to access flexible, distance learning at The American College of Financial Services and launch a new career in financial services.
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Our mission is to empower active-duty, guard, and reserve service members, veterans and spouses, as they transition back to the civilian work force and into the financial services sector and expand their financial service knowledge. We do this through college scholarships and are excited to be expanding into a full-service Veterans Center. Our services will include transition support services; career service job placement and a mentorship program; thought leadership and research; and continued expansion of existing scholarships.
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Military members and their families are uniquely qualified for a career in the financial services industry. They come from a culture of service and “can-do” so are typically comfortable operating in an environment requiring attention to detail, compliance, and appreciation of different cultures and backgrounds. 

Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost

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