By Light

By Light

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SrA Kevin Panneton

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Founded in 2002 as a small family business, By Light has expanded to a large, diverse organization with more than 2,000 employees working with 500 Government and Commercial clients at locations around the world. As the first decades of the 21st century ended, we saw the state of the IT and Cyberspace landscape and recognized a universal need for safe and secure operations amid a sea of bad actors with ever-evolving technical savvy. We focused on rapid growth in key mission areas to stay ahead of the curve while meeting our customers’ needs for innovative and efficient IT and Cyberspace Operations solutions. Strategically, we acquired five companies, entered joint ventures, and took on partners who could complement our fundamental expertise.

Driven by a management team steeped in practical experience from Defense, Intelligence, Federal Healthcare, and Commercial sectors, we are trusted to provide reliable, cost-effective IT and Cyberspace Operations solutions to each customer on every project. Rooted in our past and leading toward the future, By Light delivers big company results with small business agility and customer focus.
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Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton

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