Johns Manville

Johns Manville

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Kelly Neary

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Here at Johns Manville, we build on decades of experience to manufacture commercial roofing, premium-quality insulation and a variety of engineered products for our customers. We are proud to be part of Berkshire Hathaway, one of the most respected companies in the world. Our values of People, Passion, Perform and Protect drive the way we work as we strive to deliver positive and powerful JM Experiences to our employees and to our customers.

Our company is based in Denver, Colo., where you will also find our global research and development facilities. With over 7,000 employees and 43 manufacturing and sales locations across North America, Europe and China, we serve customers in over 80 countries. Our employees are united across business functions and work globally with other JM employees.

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Why work here

We encourage you to explore what JM has to offer employees. It’s not just a job when you join JM; you join a JM family with unquestionable integrity and stability.

We are PEOPLE champions!
Our PASSION is in going the extra mile!
We PERFORM at a superior level!
And we PROTECT today to ensure tomorrow.

Check out our current positions today at, connect with a JM recruiter, follow us on LinkedIn, (@JohnsManville on Twitter and Facebook) and learn why we love working at JM!
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Veteran hiring

We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity employer.

Veterans make up approximately 10% of our annual hiring in the US (salaried and hourly employees).

Most recent contributors: Kelly Neary

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