The Military Network
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Employee Talent Showcase (5)
Army Reserve | Civil Affairs Specialist
Chief Community Officer at RallyPoint (Internet)
Director of Business Operations at RallyPoint (Internet)
Air Force | Acquisition Manager
Vice President of Account Management at RallyPoint (Internet)
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About RallyPoint
RallyPoint was founded in 2012 by Yinon Weiss and Aaron Kletzing at Harvard Business School to help make military life better. Backed by two of the US military's recent Joint Chiefs of Staff, RallyPoint empowers its members to connect with others like them; create opportunity to succeed professionally, academically, and socially; and contribute valuable knowledge for the benefit of their peers.
In 2012, RallyPoint won the world's largest startup competition (MassChallenge), and placed 2nd in the Harvard Business School Business Plan Competition. In 2013 RallyPoint launched the Answers forums, changing the way its members, and members of the military communicate. In 2015 RallyPoint was used by more than 10% of the U.S. Military and nearly 250,000 veterans. The RallyPoint community continues to grow with nearly 2 million total members in 2021.
RallyPoint is currently headquartered in Boston, MA.
Why work here
RallyPoint serves you, our RallyPoint community. We are passionate about creating a great platform for our military members and veterans. We are also a fun team to be a part of and we take great care of our team.
Veteran hiring
We are always looking for strong computer programmers. If you are in the Boston area, or willing to relocate, and interested in working in the military's leading professional and social network, please email us at careers@rallypoint.com.
Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton Aditya Thaduri Ryan Callahan LTC Yinon Weiss Elizabeth Malkin MAJ Laurie Hazekamp Mike Pape (RP Staff) see more...