National Veterans Transition Service, Inc

National Veterans Transition Service, Inc aka REBOOT

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COL Mikel J. Burroughs

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NVTSI is a San Diego-based 501(c)3 organization dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian life and securing meaningful employ-ment by combining best-practice performance social solutions and techniques. The organization provides returning service members and veterans with a social and career transition workshop program called “REBOOT.”  NVTSI was established by a group of retired high-ranking Naval and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals who seek to fill a tremendous gap in the continuum of veteran services.  The REBOOT Workshops™ was designed by NVTSI in collaboration with our partners; The Pacific Institute® and; Operation Legacy™ , bringing together the best in class cognitive behavioral training solutions proven to achieve results.
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How the organization supports veterans

REBOOT Workshops™ are a series of cognitive-behavioral educational seminars designed to assist service members, veterans and family members in making a successful social transition from military service to civilian life. Participants will achieve, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of employment and career, education, living situation, personal effectiveness/wellbeing, and community-life functioning.
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How to get involved or get help

National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. 
4007 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 203, San Diego Ca 92108  
Phone: 619-822-2701 

Most recent contributors: COL Mikel J. Burroughs

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