Posted on Feb 4, 2019
PV2 Combat Engineer
So i leave for basic Feb 20 and won't be back until the beginning of June (I have OSUT btw) and I was making plans for when i get back what to do during summer and it dawned upon me that i dont know how the schedule drills. Is it at the beginning of every month or the end of every month or is it when ever your commander pleases? Also i know theres the 2 weeks in the summer deal. Since i get back from basic/osut during the summer would i end up being required to go to that or would that be required the following summer?
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Responses: 3
SGM Bill Frazer
That is based on your unit and their higher HQ. Contact them!
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SSG Squad Leader
Drill schedules can vary unit to unit and state to state. Some commands like to keep everything at the start just to maintain consistency. Higher training schedules and briefs will be the driving factor, as well as any planned rotations to training validations (NTC, JRTC, etc).
Prior to the start of the new training/fiscal year (Aug-Sep time frame) the unit will (should) draft up a memo for you to give to your employer/school. This should list the tentative dates for all IDT and AT for the following TY/FY. Changes could and may come down resulting in a change memo to be published.
Keep in mind that not all AT times will be restricted to 14 days, and not always will they occur in the summer. This will be unit dependent as well as where in the training cycle you are (i.e. reset from deployment, build up, ready year, etc). My unit likes to flip-flop winter and summer, and we go over the 14 days. Yours might want to coincide with schools being out to ensure max participation. Funding also plays its part, where some states don't like to pay for both a school date and AT in the same year.
Does your state do an Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP), or do they throw you straight to the units? Some RSPs do hand-off style events to turn returning trainees over to the units. This would be when you get your drill information. Barring that, the full time team should upon request be able to provide you with all the information you need to ensure you aren't listed AWOL immediately returning from TRADOC.
PV2 Combat Engineer
PV2 (Join to see)
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Yah we have RSP. So should I wait before plan anything for the summer? Like i have some things planned to go to my college( im a first year freshmen) and get acclimated to the campus and to earn some credits. Theyre offering this stuff to me for free and i would hate to miss out. Most of the dates they offer are in the middle or end of June and July and i have to apply this week. Would i be able to discuss this with my commander once i graduate?
SPC Cavalry Scout
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PV2 (Join to see) Do what you need to do with your schooling. The school will usually accommodate soldiers since they understand the Army comes first. I would not use the commanders open door policy for these questions. When you go to drill you will be assigned a first line supervisor usually an E5 or E4 promotable teamleader. Ask them your questions and they can even help with your tuition assistance and more. The schools I went to didn't have classes for summer anyways, but like I said even the professors would accommodate me and allow me to turn in work early or do tests early before I would leave for training. Go to school for sure, but rememeber the Army will come first as it should, but with resiliency obstacle's can be overcomed.
SSG Squad Leader
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Each unit will be different in handling this even though they should all follow the same plan. If you have time prior to ship, ask your recruiter or RSP coordinator for the contact information to your gaining units Readiness NCO. They should be able to tell you what the units going to be doing during your proposed return time.
It is quite possible to miss ATs and IDTs. You can reschedule your IDT to a different time if there is "qualifying" (used loosely) reason and it's not every drill weekend. There are different pay codes that your unit admin can enter for those to happen. Again though, you don't want to go that route every drill or AT and you actually have to show up at an arranged place to make up the time.
You may even get them to excuse you from drill or AT for college. Depends on where in the cycle you are (CTC rotations normally require a set amount of boots on ground) and whats to be completed (IWQ vs signing clothing records). In order to qualify for a "good year" in the guard it is not needed to be present for everything. You get 1 point for every active duty day (taken care of this year with your TRADOC appearance but normally schools or AT) and 1 for each UTA (2 per day for IDTs) you are present for.
Your recruiter or RSP coordinator should be able to answer about these or put you in touch with who can. You won't know until you ask though. They aren't mind readers, and no one will look out for your career like you will.
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SPC Angela Burnham
Your unit will drill one weekend a month and two weeks a year, on average. Most NG Armories have most units come in on the same weekend, this allows for different units to talk with one another while they are all present. My experience was it was usually on the first full weekend of the month.
PV2 (Join to see) your unit will have a drill schedule, which shows every planned drill every month. Ask your NCO for a copy the next time you see them, it will allow you to plan around those dates accordingly.
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