Seaman Recruit
Seaman Recruit
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Seaman Recruit is the lowest enlisted rank in the USN. The Navy Seaman Recruit is considered the entry grade in training for their specialty or warfare community.

Worst parts of holding this position
Usually the low pay is the best motivation to advance. A Seaman Recruit would perform the simplest of tasks, mostly housekeeping labor such as cooking and cleaning for several weeks or months until a Division decides to adopt them.

Advice on how to prepare for this position
Just knowing a sailor's rank, such as E-1, doesn't tell you much. The full story comes from their "rate", or job specialty. If a Seaman specialty is undesignated, then the first part of their career is spent seeking a rating. At some point, the Division or Training Assignment will be used to mentor the Seaman Recruit, look into duties, skills or needs and "strike" for a rating. Once a sailor officially receives a rating, they need to report to "A-School" to receive basic training for their rate. If a sailor enters the Navy with a pre-determined rating, they will report to A-School straight after Basic Training.