O-5 - LTC

Connect with U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) on RallyPoint


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SSG Andres Redondo

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Being a LTC is about using years of experience and training to prepare younger soldiers to preform and survive in combat and helping to shape the Army of the future.
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Best part of holding this rank

I enjoyed mentoring and leading younger officers. I also enjoyed working at the operational level, designing operations that involved units across the globe, synchronizing their actions on one objective.
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Worst part of holding this rank

I once made an error in judgement that resulted in the deaths of the wrong people. Their faces still bother me.
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Advice on how to be selected for this rank

I know this sounds trite, but always do your best in whatever assignment given. I ended up commanding twice, once was a recruiting company, a position I held for over four years. It was one of the hardest periods of my twenty-plus years as an officer. That said, this time helped me in a wide variety of ways.

Most recent contributors: LTC Matthew Robinson

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