Posted on Jun 26, 2020
SSgt Philip Blumenfeld
I was stationed in Tachikawa Japan 1971-73 working in the hospital taking care of the wounded from Vietnam. I am Rated 70% Disabled with PTSD from that experience. Can I be considered a Vietnam vet?
Posted in these groups: Vietnam service ribbon Vietnam War
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Responses: 14
SGT Robert Pryor
Edited 4 y ago
You appear to be what is called a Vietnam Era Veteran. Vietnam Veteran is generally reserved for those who served in country, to include in the air and contiguous waters.
SGM Gerald Fife
SGM Gerald Fife
4 y
Yep. Close but no cigar. I entered AD on 2Dec54. I did not go to Korea, I am considered a Korean War Era Veteran. The cut off date for that war was 3Jan55. I'm an Era Vet for all from my entry date to retirement in 1995. Including a callup for Desert Storm of which my work was in support of and not never serving in the Sandbox.
CPO Ed Hoover
CPO Ed Hoover
>1 y
If you received the Vietnam Service medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, and at least US Navy wise, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, you are a Vietnam Vet. I had two HS buddies, one Air Force, the other Army, did not receive any of the above medals, same time frame as me, but they would be considered "era" vets.
CPO Ed Hoover
CPO Ed Hoover
>1 y
CPO Ed Hoover my service was '67-68, on two aircraft carriers in the Tonkin Gulf, received both VSM and VCM ,
MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Gilbert Jones
>1 y
CPO Hoover is correct, if you were in-country, in Thailand, or off shore in support of the VN conflict, then you were or should have received both awards and would be considered a VN veteran.
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SGM Bill Frazer
No, I did 73-95, I consider myself an Era Vet, tho I have ton of friends/family that served in country and they include me in everything, But since I never set foot on that patch of soil, it would be wrong to claim it.
CPO Ed Hoover
CPO Ed Hoover
>1 y
I never set foot on Vietnamese soil either, but I served in the Navy on aircraft carriers, in '67 & '68, and we were awarded the Vietnam Service medal and after 6 mo, the Vietnam Campaign Medal.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Gilbert Jones
>1 y
Sgt Larry Like - Sgt Like, if you were stationed at U-tapao, and was loading bombs on B-52s then you came under 7th AF, and you were entitled to both awards. Units in Thailand under 7th AF were in direct support of the conflict. Those in 13AF were in charge of running the bases support mission. Even so, I believe they also received both awards. I myself was assigned to 621 TAC Controll Sq, Udorn, Thai/ HQ 505th TAC Control Group, TanSon Nhut, VN - 66-67, 388th TAC Ftr WG/Int, 68-69, and 8th TAC FTR Wg/Int. Ubon Thai, 71-72.
SFC Thomas Gottschalk
SFC Thomas Gottschalk
>1 y
I agree I was stationed in Germany from 73 to 75. I would consider myself a Vietnam era veteran not in Vietnam vet.
SGT Robert Haire
SGT Robert Haire
2 y
I agree with you SGM. I also was an era. Vet I served 1967-1969, did not go to Viet Nam, I was not called and did not volunteer, if I had been called I certainly would have went and served to the best of my training. 82nb Abn. C-1/325, Red Falcons.
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SGT Philip Roncari
As I have always understood it ,to be classified as a Vietnam Veteran you either served on the ground or in the waters or airspace that constituted any part of the conflict,stationed in Japan doesn’t meet these conditions,that being said ,as a Vietnam Veteran I am proud to call you Brother and thank you for your Service caring for our wounded and bearing some of the wounds yourself,be well Brother
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