E-6 - SP6

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SSG Andres Redondo

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Best part of holding this rank

I got to stay in the maintenance shop as a very senior and experienced technician longer than I would have if I had been promoted to SSG. This also was good for my technical reputation on my field and was a definite PLUS when I was considered for Warrant Officer.
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Worst part of holding this rank

Getting conflicting guidance as to whether or not a SP6 was an NCO. In Germany in the early 70's I responded to the First Sergeant's NCO call only to be excused by the 1SG because I was not an NCO. That VERY SAME DAY the 1SG posted an updated Staff Duty NCO Roster with my name on it. I appealed to 1SG under his previous assertions and was informed that I WOULD pull SDNCO. I appealed to the BDE CDR who subsequently posted a written guidance the Specialists would be treated the same as their corresponding paygrade NCO's in all matters concerning duties and respect. I pulled the posted duty as SDNCO. Needless to say I was on the 1SG's s**tlist. Fortunately, 60 days later I was promoted to SFC and 90 days later again appointed to WO1 and PCS'ed to Turkey as a Wobbly One. :)
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Advice on how to be selected for this rank

What advice can you share on being selected for this rank?

Most recent contributors: CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.

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