Responses: 1
A step towards the end of our democracy.
by the way, America has ALWAYS been great. And Trump has nothing to do with that.
by the way, America has ALWAYS been great. And Trump has nothing to do with that.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
MSG Stan Hutchison - Oh I had a nice evening...I slept well knowing I present facts...again...facts are verifiable. Your hatred for Trump is blinding you to the truth. Take Trump out of the equation...this all started on inauguration day 21 Jan 21 when Biden signed over 50 Presidential executive orders...oh by the way when he was signing them, he looked at the camera and said I don't know what I am signing but they put it in front of me. What kind of mental aware leadership is that? It isn't. That was the downhill slide for America that has put us in the highest inflation we have had even before Carter and I didn't think I would ever see that. Trump had and has nothing to do with where we are as a nation right now. This is squarely on Biden.
Furthermore, when I was a commander (all three times) if something happened in my unit, it was on me and Top...not the previous commander, even if I took command yesterday. Same principle here. People just have to understand when you are in charge, and it is your watch it is on you...PERIOD!
Maj John Bell
Furthermore, when I was a commander (all three times) if something happened in my unit, it was on me and Top...not the previous commander, even if I took command yesterday. Same principle here. People just have to understand when you are in charge, and it is your watch it is on you...PERIOD!
Maj John Bell
MSG Stan Hutchison
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Better check your "facts," Commander.
EO's signed by Biden"
20/1/2021 - 9
21/1/2021 - 8
In the entire 2021 year he only signed 77.
This year, he has signed 26.
EO's signed by Biden"
20/1/2021 - 9
21/1/2021 - 8
In the entire 2021 year he only signed 77.
This year, he has signed 26.
Disposition Tables contain information about Presidential Documents beginning with those signed by William J. Clinton and are arranged according to Presidential administration and year of signature. The tables are compiled and maintained by the Office of the Federal Register editors.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
MSG Stan Hutchison - FACTS ARE FACTS that he signed them...doesn't matter the number....pick a number any number...they were all bad and not in the best interest of the US. Most undid Trumps policies that were working but his put folks out of work and drove inflation to a new high. Those ARE THE FACTS!
MSG Stan Hutchison
Perhaps we need a clearer defination of the word "facts."
It is a fact you wrote:
".this all started on inauguration day 21 Jan 21 when Biden signed over 50 Presidential executive orders.."
which is untrue.
Here are the real facts:
Inauguration day was 20 Jan 21, not 21 Jan 21. (minor)
On Inauguration day Biden signed 9 EO's
On 21 Jan 21 Biden signed 8 EO's, not 50.
Big difference.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Also, they were mostly concerning COVID, which were entirely necessary after his predecessor screwed up.
It is a fact you wrote:
".this all started on inauguration day 21 Jan 21 when Biden signed over 50 Presidential executive orders.."
which is untrue.
Here are the real facts:
Inauguration day was 20 Jan 21, not 21 Jan 21. (minor)
On Inauguration day Biden signed 9 EO's
On 21 Jan 21 Biden signed 8 EO's, not 50.
Big difference.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Also, they were mostly concerning COVID, which were entirely necessary after his predecessor screwed up.
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