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Responses: 6
LTC Marc King
This is not a tooth to tail issue... This is a response to the social engineering going on inside the DoD regarding opening all MOS's to females. I don't agree with the Senator on many things and this is another one. If we are going to allow social engineering and exercise gender equality throughout the armed forces then we have to allow the same to occur to the the potential source of our "person power" (note the gender neutral application) If women are fully integrated into the force they need to register for the draft as well. To flip an old phrase "if it's good enough for the gander it's good enough for the goose".

If you are looking for those who want to go beyond registration for the draft to instituting the draft look really hard at the Dems. Such stalwarts like Charles Rangle of NY have long advocated for reinstatement of the draft. He sees the all volunteer force as inherently racially imbalanced and would use the draft to level the playing field.

That said the draft is a tool to be used in the event of a national emergency. No national emergency no draft! However should it be need at some time in the future and one should never say never then it should be men and women and let the services sort them out.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
LTC Marc King - Colonel; Allowing people to try to succeed in non-traditional roles is not something new to America. I believe that you can trace the origins of the practice back to somewhat prior to 1776.

However, I do agree that the Selective Service System should either be abandoned (what the heck, we'll even pay pensions to the political hacks who sit on the boards and the civil servants who do the day to day work [whatever that is now]) or made all inclusive. IF someone ends up getting drafted and is only 5'1" and 110# but can type 60 words per minute - make him a clerk and if someone else elds up getting drafted and is 5'11" 280# and can run a 4.5 minute mile while carrying 75"# on their back then make her a SAW gunner.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
Agree and as I said - draft them all and let the services do the sorting!
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SPC Information Technology (It)
Its "nuts" to make them register for the draft for combat positions but it wasn't nuts to allow women into combat MOS and ranger schools. Women want to be equal to men but don't want to do all the crappy stuff men do. Prime example of only wanting equal rights on things that only benefit women lol.
SFC Detachment Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
That's a very broad response. I do believe it is a "man" stating he doesn't want women (his daughters specifically at one point) to be drafted. How are you equating this to "women want to be equal to men but don't want to do the crappy stuff men do" ? I'm pretty sure Senator Cruz 1) isn't all women 2) in fact isn't a woman at all....
On a side note: I would be fine with females being included in the draft, I am fine with doing "all the crappy stuff men do". Having served as a deployed medic, I have done a fair share of "crappy stuff". I am not implying, however, that ALL women would be fine with the draft.
CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
>1 y
Well I am sure that there are plenty of men that aren't fine with the draft either...
SPC Information Technology (It)
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - My statement isnt completely directed towards military women or civilian but a mixture of both that are feminist. It honestly does not matter if he is female and i really dont see why you even brought that up lol. You do not have to be a woman to agree with feminist views, especially by someone who is running for president. Seems to me that you arent a feminist or if you are that you are one with a brain. MOST (98%) of feminist only want equal rights on things that benefit females and females only. All women dont have to be fine with registering for the draft, not all men are. They are allowed in combat arms positions just like men. Which is what the draft would put them in. Women need to be required to register for the draft they also need to be held to the same physical standards as men. Since its all about "equality" I have nothing against women whatsoever. I just have different views.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - Private; Possibly you didn't notice that it was NOT a woman who was arguing against including women in the Selective Service System.

If it were a woman arguing the point, I would agree with you that they were being two-faced.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
To answer your question(s) as directly as possible. He is speaking from a position of ignorance. Each of the quotes just don't align with even basic knowledge of the military. He is attempting to invoke emotion for political gain. It will likely work because most people also lack knowledge.

His arguments parallel those used by the Gun Control movement in their endeavors. They can easily be torn apart by anyone with even a cursory understanding. However because they are "one & done" comments, he can never be called out on them, because he will just move onto the next hot bed issue.
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