1997 Congressional DOD Report
"it is the performance of duty, not the length of duty, that creates the risk for harm. Reservists now work side by side with AC members and perform the same missions as AC members. Yet, when a reservist is injured performing one of those missions, entitlement to health care, pay, and family support is different from that of the AC member. RC benefits currently are based on the length of duty rather than the performance of duty."
I share with Pride in my own country, and what got me to the end of my enlistment Honorably in the Navy, my sharing of Congressional Reports, exposing patient rights, human rights, civil rights issues.
What if they said upfront, because you were, female, male, LGBT, African american, Jewish, Muslim, Christian or "reservist" your health care benefits in service and even at the VA are going to be more complicated harder to access. You spent years, your youth become only focused on the ship, your whole recruited dream to become an officer 18, then after bootcamp, serving side by side part time for years with minimal training, training that never even qualified as Navy standards for training qualifications, active duty Navy Surface Warfare Sailors Operationally Deployed, who were overworked and called you a reservist in a non positive like picking on someone who was female or LGBT or jew christian muslim for no reason, for years and putting all the watch standing and deferred maintenance..a lot of things that made darkness seam like light....and if I denied orders well you know what happens next...
You got an Honorable Discharge the VA Vet Center for 1, would not even want to recognize literally unless you got a short term humanitarian waiver accepted and they were always threatening and then stopping services because of this reservist enlistment that becomes your anchor on your neck,
Family and love relationships, I would love to talk to them explain with they would comprehend what was actually going on on duty, I could not get my head around, that was not my fault overwhelming embarrassing me sendin me home wounded every month, eventually your personality changes drastically, of course your Fiance Leaves you and your mom wonders why you are yelling at her now only 19 20 21 wowowo..yah I overdosed and they said I turned blue haha..my younger brothers friends would get that ambulance ..woke up in an emergency room...discharged felt great...wandered past a hotel and had a free guest breakfast...But how does this truly affect my brother who did not have a older brother to really rely on and he is now dealing with depression I find out..
I am not a drug addict just sometimes I really lose sense.
Yes I got really sick and lost everything literally and even attempted a Navy Army Transfer off the ship that was permanently disqualified at MEPS for multiple medical reasons, and never got medical access benefits care for some reason that I was not in control of, sent back to the ship with extreme youth sadness courage dedication misunderstanding, family mom younger brother and sister would feel the full force of anger and extreme confusion being sent home cycled on and off the ship monthly for years 1994-1999, and then i found out I could not even go to the VA without denials of service and benefits. Please google 2015 VA Oakland Regional Whistle blower and see I was actually being denied strung-out for years by this same regional office. Washington DC BVA traveling judge saved my life literally.
Heck they talk of battles and fights and people share them.
These reports expose them.
I do not make hearsay.
I just hope for care understanding.
My mom RIP she never saw me become a great young man. One would of thought I would be a great achieving well to do American Navy Officer by 22. I graduated Meritorious Great Lakes 1994.
Yes Depression is well a crazy place that looks for acceptance. 3 Fiances left me, and that spine problem that stopped my Navy Army transfer I tried to tough out without health care access till I could not walk a block without falling down and had to call the ambulance unable to sleep of even have a physical relationship with a potential lover to be married all my dreams.
I never intended on being in the 5150 2005. But no Psych therapy in the Navy since those first diagnoses of Major Depression and Bi Polar in 1998 1999 2000 Navy Hospitals well does not make one better.
I think of what it would be like to jump out that window. But you know what I won't only because that would not let some energy win.
I am bright. I can read.
I am human. I have human rights. I swore an oath to defend the Constitution which grants all of us Humans an ever improving Bill Of Rights, the longest Running Human Rights Document I am more aware of. I want to be a great American that well helped out his brother and sister and that is what I intended to do when I joined 1994 when I was 18 right smack dab in the middle of a full draw down of the military this 1997 report examines.
I am proud of all the human rights do gooders making progress in our governments to give equal rights and protections based on what you are and what you experience female, LGBT, religion, Ethnicity, Reserve or Active Duty etc etc etc.