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Responses: 9
CSM Chuck Stafford
Cohen has shown his colors and the courts didn't approve
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MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Edited >1 y ago
This whole process stinks to high heaven. It's being headed up by Alvin Bragg, a far-left New York DA, bought and paid for by George Soros. He won't prosecute or imprison a violent felon in New York, but he's focusing almost all of his office's resources on an apparently very shaky case against former President Trump.
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>1 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard President Trump would again work to make America great (as would his Admin and waking up GOP) and the corrupt power Cabal, which grips America now, is enraged and trembles at the prospect. For instance- all the extremely lucrative traffic inbound at the S border (sex trade, human slaves, child workers, Fentanyl / drugs, guns, inbound Mex cartels) would (will) be halted or at the least, extremely hobbled.
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SPC Lyle Montgomery
Why in the hell do we have a 2 tiered form of justice in this country? How come can Biden and his brat, Hunter can deal illegally with the comunist Chineese and get away with it?. I don't give a damn if Trump screwed Stormey Daniles and paid her off. At least thats a fully grown man cavorting with a full grown woman.and not sniffing young girls hair. Trump isn't perfect but he is an angel compared to the Biden crime family. Some overzealous DA in New York has one goal in life and that is to discredit and arrest Trump. I hope it all backfires and those bitches on the view pull their hair out. We have to get rid of these democrat/comunist morons at the next election. I hope that the Republican led congress goes after these democrat/comunist before it's too late.
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