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Responses: 3
SSG Warren Swan
I feel bad being this was my BDE when I deployed. I think these soon to be EX-Soldiers forgot that "Duty-First" wasn't about what they can get out of, or what they can pull over on their leaders, but I can guarantee that every single one of their leaders from the TM LDR to the Section NCOIC to their NCO Support chain will remember what "Duty First" means to them, and fully exercise their DUTY...FIRST on each and every one of them. I've read that a couple of them weren't in the military, so the smiling female being one of them. To the MP's in there, I'm seriously disappointed in you. Each one of you allowed stupidity to Blue Falcon yourselves, your unit, and the Corps. But if you were "caught" this time, this isn't your first time in the presence of drugs. I also feel for the leaders of these Soldiers. They did nothing wrong, but some will get "penalized" for inaction when there might not have been a thing they could've done to prevent it. It was mentioned on USAWTFM last night there will be 25 new openings at Ft. Riley. I think when the hammer finally falls, there will be a few more than that. I'm thinking of all the TRULY ignorant stuff I've done while in service, and NOTHING, and I'd admit it if I had something close to this compares. But tomorrow's a new day for Devil BDE, and this won't overshadow what that BDE has done being the Grandaddy of em all, and the leader of all that exist now. Duty First.....but not EXTRA Duty First please?
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SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
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SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
Bunch of idiots. It's like the stupid don't end. Pile this on top of the dumbass Marine that shot that poor girl at a red light a few weeks ago. It makes us all look bad
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
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SSG (Join to see) oh, that Marine is more than toast. He is going to be burnt bacon.
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
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I think burning him at the stake is very appropriate punishment
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