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Responses: 5
MAJ James Woods
Yep. All those years watching GOP block Obama's nominees had been totally worth it as we watch GOP push unqualified individuals on a party line vote. What a disgrace our government system has become. It's like watching the '80s TV show "Night Court".
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - By the way, Iran and Sudan were part of the original 7 nations in the Jan 2017 ban. And based on examples listed in Sect. 1 para. (h), we could've easily argued some Eastern European countries and additional Middle East countries in this ban based on known foreign nationals that did attack the US or our allies since 2001. Finally, last point, the courts have addressed in their decisions why the first two orders were blocked. There were issues with the orders, we saw the chaos and confusion with the agencies responsible for implementation. President's have the authority to regulate and Judicial Courts are expected to ensure no aspects of the regulatory authority is contrary to the spirit of the nation's laws.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Yep. Trump isn't a lawyer which is why the lawyers that support the WH and the DoJ with their SMEs advise him and his staff. What happens when your recommendation goes against what Trump wants? You get fired. Just ask Sally Yates.
Sorry but you've moved onto the blame everyone else for Trump's decision making. Sad.
Yes Dems are fighting Trump on policies that 'by the numbers' will hurt the middle class. Shame on them. Now we have Republicans fighting Trump on issues but I'm sure you'll label them as traitors to Trump supporters.
Trump's campaign was accused of conspiracy with Russian operatives; not specifically Trump. It's okay. You can ignore the details that have been exposed to date in the form of lying to federal investigators, emails, financial crimes, undisclosed foreign contacts etc. that involve members associated with the Trump campaign before, during, and after being a member of his staff.
Trump was accused of sexual harassment and assault to include one rape allegation; his supporters continued to vote for him. Moore has similar allegations, voters will decide his fate. All the dirt is coming out in D.C. and across the country; politicians, celebrities, public figures, businessmen, journalists, TV personalities, etc. Yeah, everyone should be looking in a mirror and asking themselves "did I do anything that could be construed as misconduct and unethical?" Plenty of Dems and GOP at local, state, and federal level are worried cause the floodgates are open; women and men have been emboldened by the #MeToo movement. Trump should reconsider attacking Dems and defending Republicans facing similar allegations. You can only dig a foxhole so deep.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Hahaha! Stop. You're killing me with as you put it, your "revisionist history".
- Yes HRC lost.
- Obama wasn't a failure. Just look at the economy and unemployment rate as result of his policies enacted the first couple of years in office. Also those who finally obtained healthcare through either medicaid or the exchanges. Growth in renewable energy markets where it was embraced. Multinational agreements that still stand today and those nations continue to support regardless Trump's threats to pull out. Yeah Obama totally failed.
- Yep the current tax system does favor the wealthy; oh by the way, GOP implemented the tax reform and build upon it to how it looks today with support of corporate backed Dems since Reagan. Not sure how you're only blaming Dems; GOP has always led the way with adding verbiage that benefits corporations and top wealth at the expense of middle and lower working class.
- Yes Yates was fired because she advised the WH the EO in its current form wouldn't pass the judicial test in its current form. Like you said, Trump isn't a lawyer but that doesn't matter, he wouldn't listen to a lawyer that disagrees with him anyway.
- I'm fully aware of what the Russian allegations were in the beginning. Doesn't matter. Anytime a story said "member of Trump campaign accused of colluding with Russian agents", Trump and individuals like you reframe it as accusations specifically against Trump. So just stop. Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Kushner, Popadapulous, Page are all going down for commiting crimes to some degree. Somehow Trump will disavow them all and we'll all laugh.
By the way, statute of limitations in regards to Moore allegations have passed; a lawyer who advises Conservative groups made that statement yesterday on Steele and Unger. He will be judged by the court of public opinion in the same way Trump was last year. None of the allegations are going to be charged and a number of the victims are registered Republicans that voted for Trump; they gave Trump benefit of the doubt but have no intent of letting Moore slide. That's what happens when you vote one until the person up for election did something that directly hurt you. Like when politicians claim to be anti-abortion until they need to make their mistress get one. Hypocrisy. Good day.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Gonna keep this short.
- So you just refuse to give Obama and his policies any credit for turning around the economy significantly from 2009-2017 and that Trump inherited an improved economy and job situation. Shocking.
- Healthcare such a failure that GOP base whom for years hated Obamacare but loved the ACA are now telling their Congressmen not to repeal without a true replacement that won't take away the Medicaid expansion, pre-existing conditions requirement, essential benefits coverage, opioid treatment access. Shocking.
- Renewable energy is new, is growing, is creating jobs in nations embracing it; critics can't say "you can't run a country on renewable energy" when you look at Germany's problem of overproduction of energy because of effort. Germany's burden: finding balance between renewable energy production and power plant production; eliminate the coal plants, not the nuclear plants. What a burden they have at making adjustments to avoid waste and return profits back to companies and customers.
- Only Multinational agreements under Obama saw tremendous payouts by the US? Sure, go ahead and believe that.
- Manafort, Gates, Page, and Flynn only did bad stuff before they joined the Trump campaign. Kushner hasn't done anything. Wow! So glad you've come to those conclusions. When Mueller's Team is done and all the indictments are finally made public and final verdicts made in the courts, then you can make you conclusions. I support exposing any American guilty of criminal and felonious activity. Last time I checked, lying on foreign disclosure forms are a crime and require immediate revocation of security clearance.
- Yeah, yeah, you've had women thrown themselves at you and you rebuffed. If any of those women accused you of anything, you would declare them as liars. Burden of proof is always a necessity in allegations. Five accusers, 30 sources, preliminary evidentiary proof made public, character statements by those that known the accused for years, and somehow we still want to call the women liars. Shocking. By the way, any of those women if they wanted to be vindictive didn't even need you to give into their advances if they truly had it out for you. Any woman a guy sleeps with after a few drinks at a bar should always hope the next morning there's no regrets from her the next morning with the way things are going these days. But to automatically dismiss allegations is ridiculous.

Later. This thread getting old.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
@SFC Joseph Weber I aint gonna lie, I didn't even try to resist.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
"Yield to temptation, it may not come your way again" RAH
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Married to a WH attorney.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
MAGA! this is retarded
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
No, this is simply corrupt
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