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Responses: 13
Cpl Jeff N.
Another CNN employee complaining about their treatment. Where was he when Obama DOJ went directly after reporters the administration didn't like? Silence.

Trump isn't undermining the press, he is using the bully pulpit to try to get them to be an honest broker of the news. No one is shutting CNN down or spying on their reporters etc. Apparently CNN has really thin skin. They can dish it out but cannot take it.

As for Hayden, he was pretty much a staff weenie most of his career. Making a living rubbing elbows with the political class. He was also accused of lying to Congress about the enhanced interrogation program in 2007.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SSgt Ray Stone - Do you know where Obama was born? Can you prove it?

Therein lies the problem. I don't know where Obama was born; I only know that he claims to be born in Hawaii... at two different hospitals according to his family. Neither hospital has any kind of display or even so much as a plaque on the wall stating that this is the place where our President was born. By pure coincidence, a week of flight manifests of flights going in and out of Hawaii is missing from the National Archives and it just so happens to be the week Obama alleges to be born. Obama also is using a Connecticut SSN that was previously issued to someone else.

Obama waited four years to come up with a long form birth certificate and alleges that the computer generated birth certificate that he put up on whitehouse.gov is a scan of the original document. Sorry, but computer generated forgeries don't count. Nor does the testimony of corrupt Democratic officials (i.e., Nancy Pelosi -- who removed the words "constitutionally qualified" from her endorsement of Obama) count. Why did she go through the trouble to modify the standard endorsement used by the Democratic Party? So many questions... so few acceptable answers... Unless, or course, you like being lied to.

Truth be told, Obama misrepresented himself and lied about his background and qualifications to be President. For eight years, he usurped the Office he held... because voters were more interested in hearing empty promises of Hope and Change than they were in seeing it.

Oh, and by the way, Trump IS our duly elected, legitimate, constitutionally qualified Commander in Chief. We know who his real father is, we know where he was born, we can find people he went to school with that actually saw him in class... Like it or not, Trump is STILL YOUR PRESIDENT!
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
LOL Another drive-by downvote. At least I gave Ray Stone the courtesy of an explanation.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - Obama was our President also, it's difficult to hide your racism I see. You have finally realized you wasted a vote on a racist, misogynist, morally bankrupt dummy that will go down as the worst Pres in U.S. history, yes worse than Bush. You also can't come to grip that a Black man was/is ten times smarter than draft dodging 45th.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Typical [racist] Liberal response is to project their racist, misogynist, morally bankrupt shortcomings and declare that anyone that dislikes Obama is racist. Of course it has NOTHING to do with the fact Obama lied about his qualifications and background, lied about his family, lied about his association with radicals and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and fact that his campaign engaged in election fraud. Obama has never gained elected office by his merits; rather, he has obtained office by fraudulent means and by discrediting his opponents.

It's not the public's responsibility to prove he is ineligible; the burden of proof lies on him to prove that he is, in fact, eligible and qualified to be POTUS. That NEVER happened. Four years after the fact, Obama finally releases a long form birth certificate that is easily proven to be a computer-generated forgery! Congress was impotent and did nothing. And the fact that Congress fell down on their watch and couldn't do their jobs makes it no less offensive. So the people challenged and every challenge to Obama's eligibility was thrown out on technical grounds by politically appointed, politically motivated Liberal judges. No ruling from a court has ever stated that Obama is indeed eligible to be POTUS.

Once installed, Obama began breaking his campaign promises to be transparent, to give the public time to review legislation... he declared Obamacare would not be a tax, you could keep your doctor and health insurance, and it wouldn't cost the middle class a dime, and when he found he didn't have the authority to force people to buy insurance, it became a tax. He threw blacks under the bus to court the Hispanic vote and blacks STILL voted for him. Stupid is voting for someone that throws you under the bus. The black community was worse off and more dependent on government subsidies after 8 years of Obama's lead-from-behind style of "leadership?"

Speaking of leadership, Obama failed to come up with a passable budget his entire first term. He couldn't even convince people in his own party to vote for the unrealistic budget proposals he put together. He totally abused his Executive powers, broke laws, and by most any definition is guilty of committing treason. Even now he goes around engaging in his own foreign policy initiatives in clear violation of the Logan Act.

So yeah, call me racist all you want. Your highly charged, IGNORANT opinion doesn't change the truth. Hate to burst your bubble, but 44 is not the genius people claim him to be. If Obama is so smart, why does he lie so much? If Trump is so stupid, why does he keep WINNING?!!
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Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
I expect any President, within limits, to challenge the press when it criticizes his/her policies. How is President Trump's undermining of CNN materially different than President Obama's undermining Fox News. If the journalists aren't willing to play rough, perhaps they should stick to heartwarming human interest stories about flowers.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Oh yeah... What has president Trump done that matches up with the Obama administration's actions against the Associated Press and James Rosen?

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PO2 Robert Aitchison
Gen Hayden is no boy scout, it was under his directorship that the NSA set up their illegal domestic surveillance programs (that were exposed by Edward Snowden and then made legal retroactively).

That said, it's worth noting that he served under 3 different Presidents, nominated by Clinton for NSA director in 1999 kept on by George W. Bush who then went on to nominate him to lead the CIA and then kept on briefly by Obama until his nominee was confirmed.
MSgt Danny Hope
MSgt Danny Hope
>1 y
His programs were unconstitutional, Bush's Patriot Act gave him the authority to do it....the patriot act , in my view, is illegal based on the circumvention of constitutional guarantees.
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