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Responses: 7
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
A number of the member nations of that council are some of the worst abusers, so it makes sense. The UN is a joke and does nothing but leech from the US and others.
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SSG Warren Swan
Personally it's not a big deal. On some points she's right but...."Haley repeatedly voted against U.N. measures that were critical of Israel, and she has rebuked the council for what she called a “chronic anti-Israel bias.” The US cannot expect the rest of the world to cater to Israel. They get away with some things that would draw sharp rebukes from other world leaders and some in the US. It's unpopular to say something against them here, and if you do, you're instantly labeled an "anti-Semite" even though you could disagree on a policy issue, treatment of the Palestinians, the lack of true faith negotiations on both sides, and the constant land grabbing. I didn't even mention the billions given to them no matter what in military aid. Israel is it's OWN sovereign nation and should be held to the same standards that are applied when any other country screws the pooch. If they don't like it, Bibi can either tell them to eat crow, or remedy the situation, not expect the US to constantly vote in favor of any and everything they do. Allies don't always have to agree.

The UN should be able to and openly able to disagree with the conducts of other nation states to include Israel, Russia, and not just when a third world country acts up or an Islamic country does something that the US disagrees with. We're out now. Great. What's next?
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan I'd be curious to see how the US would feel if the UN were to just arbitrarily establish a Native American "sovereign nation" right in the middle of the country. Would the US stand for that? Of course not - but that's EXACTLY what happened with Israel.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - All hell would break loose here. It would be the damn good thing to see, along with reoperations for the slaves that were promised that land from the government many fought for.

I know this par would be racist in all hell, but I'm not using to be that way. Historivlly for America, the white man cane to the shores looking for a better life away from persecution back home (kina like asylum), but the natives being curious let them in and even broke bread with them. More came, more land was staken by force or by deals made that were so lopsided it's unreal. I would consider that on par with some of the events between Palestine and Israel. It was seen as "destiny" to have this country from seal to sea which was done.

Two more levels of government sanctionsd discrimination with LOADS of himan rights abuses were the internment camps from WWII, and Slavery. America has a nasty habbit when on the world stage acting like we're the ultimate beacon of home. For many we are, and I'm glad for it. On the other side, those who were affected by the decisions/indecisions made to make wrongs right. America cannot stand to be called out on her own mistakes, and memories are long regading this. At least the Japanese got paid a pittance for their sufferng. I wasn't nearly enough.

Let the UN try, and lets see how this administration spins it, and what the outcome that everyone already know will happen happens.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
This is the 1st time I have agreed with you.
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