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Responses: 2
SrA John Monette
So, does spread disinformation represent the values of the company? Or is it all because of the almighty dollar?
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SPC Kevin Ford
I'm conflicted by this. On the one hand Rogan has the right to free speech, other artists also have the right to free speech and freedom of association and Spotify is a business trying to navigate choppy waters. I believe conservatives are right on the observation of; do we really want corporations really deciding what is true? That seems like it could go ... bad ... in the future.

My mind keeps on coming back to our liable laws and if reforming them is the answer. If people like Rogan say falsehoods that have a harmful impact, there should be a potential civil issue for him if he is knowingly doing it. That also gets into all kinds of questions about what constitutes the press and the "I as only joking defense" taken by people like Tucker Carlson. It just isn't an easy issue to balance. Right now, people talking with their checkbooks (one way or another) seems like one the few effective resources we have.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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It will be interesting how things shake out. Spotify isn't considered tech industry like Facebook. Spotify falls under entertainment.
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