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Responses: 1
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
..."Strange visions
Much will be made of the digital effects of the film, which ably conjure colors out of space, alien geometries, impossible architecture — the whole uncanny, otherworldly visual schmear you expect from a Doctor Strange film. The various universes we visit in our whistle-stop interdimensional tour pulsate with vivid color and swirling, psychedelic patterns. A forbidding, cliffside citadel seems to radiate malevolent intent. Characters defy gravity as they hop between crumbling bits of masonry mysteriously floating in space. A villain launches an eldritch assault upon a familiar sanctuary. All of this is depicted with pleasantly disorienting spectacle and grandeur.

And yet.

And yet a brief scene that takes place on a grubby Greenwich Village rooftop manages to look howlingly, egregiously fake — as featureless and one-dimensional as if it were rendered on a Nintendo NES.

And yet a film that spends millions of dollars on green screen effects, stunt work, elaborate costumes and hefty actor salaries can't manage to throw a few hundred bucks into its wig budget: Throughout, Strange's hair perches atop Cumberbatch's head like an acrylic skunk pelt.

If these sound like quibbles, consider how important it is for this particular film to sweep you up into its world — into its worlds — and dazzle you with the spectacle of limitless possibility. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is great at depicting the impossible wonders of other universes, while the most mundane details of our own universe hover stubbornly beyond its reach."
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