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Responses: 4
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Yeah Blatant Fascism doesn't Play Out Well!
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
11 mo
Trojan Horses


1.) Feuerkrieg Division (FKD)

Feuerkrieg Division (FKD)
Key Points

* A small international neo-Nazi group that advocates for a race war and holds some of the white supremacist movement’s most extreme views.

* Feuerkrieg Division, or FKD, calls for violence against their perceived enemies and destruction of “the system,” or society at large, which they believe is controlled by the Jews.

* Established in late 2018, FKD is an international organization with about 30 members.

* FKD has European roots but has recently expanded its outreach to American audiences.

* While the bulk of their activity is online, members have engaged in leafleting efforts, distributing violent, racist and anti-Semitic propaganda.

* FKD promotes Siege culture mentality and the concept of accelerationism.

FKD advocates for “sacrifice” and embraces violence as a solution to “fix” the current political and cultural system, sidestepping concerns about optics and advocating for radical, systemic change.   The group criticizes and demeans other white supremacist movements, like the alt-right, for being too focused on public perception and unsuccessful in the movement’s ability to create real societal change with their tactics. 

Feuerkrieg Division is heavily influenced by Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi group allegedly tied to five murders across the U.S.  FKD advocates similar core beliefs, racist and vitriolic propaganda with shared graphics and general subculture. 

In addition to Atomwaffen, FKD supports some of the most extreme white supremacist organizations, often referring to members of entities like The Base and Sonnenkrieg Division as comrades.

FKD embraces “Siegeculture,” a philosophy, political orientation, spiritual outlook and solution to societal problems that is dominated by hate and an embrace of violence anchored in fascist ideology. 

The ideology weaves the teachings and actions of James Mason, Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson, among others, into a tapestry of extreme hate.


FKD was established in October 2018 in the Baltics, most likely Estonia. Over time, the group has expanded its footprint to include Belgium, England, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Latvia, Western Germany and Russia.  In 2019, FKD continued to expand their recruitment efforts in Europe and in North America, including Canada and especially the U.S.

SOURCE : https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/feuerkrieg-division-fkd


Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a terroristic neo-Nazi organization that formed out of Iron March, an influential fascist forum that went offline in fall 2017.


SPLC Designated Hate Group

Date Founded 2015
Location Texas
Ideology Neo-Nazi

Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a terroristic neo-Nazi organization that formed out of Iron March, an influential fascist forum that went offline in fall 2017.

AWD is organized as a series of terror cells that work toward civilizational collapse. Its members, who can be fairly described as accelerationists, believe that violence, depravity and degeneracy are the only sure way to establish order in their dystopian and apocalyptic vision of the world. AWD’s chief influences are James Mason Charles Manson, Joseph Tommasi and William Pierce.

Their strategy for promoting and establishing national socialism can be traced back to The Order, the violent and capable white supremacist terror cell founded by Robert Jay Mathews in the 1980s., Charles Manson, Joseph Tommasi and William Pierce.

Their strategy for promoting and establishing national socialism can be traced back to The Order, the violent and capable white supremacist terror cell founded by Robert Jay Mathews in the 1980s.


“What we are creating here is something that James Mason attempted to put into form but because of circumstance it never was implimented [sic] until the year of 2017 when Atomwaffen Division discovered and met James Mason.

Ryan and Vincent Snyder both agreed to help him publish his works, but through the development of the website we have decided to take the proper course of action with SIEGE. Too long has the movement trapped people into a mindset of chasing their own tail. Those of you who are in here, perhaps, will create history. That is our intention.” – Siege Culture website

“The frail whites will serve as prey to the aryan predator.” – Atomwaffen Division website
“Pro f----- propaganda is working! AIDS is spreading like wildfire. Dead f------ couldn’t make us happier! Hail AIDS!” –

Atomwaffen Division website
“Satanism is alright. Depends on how you go about it. But then again, I’m more well read on the subject than most people. Most people get scared away and only go into the crust, rather than down to the core.” – “Rape,” AWD Discord server, Nov. 9, 2017

“I hate hearing about ‘innocent people.’ There are no innocent people in this disgusting modern world.” – Brandon Russell, “49 F--- in Body Bags: Shooting in Orlando Gay Club,” Iron March forum, June 14, 2016.

“Bulldozing bodies into mass graves is the obvious solution. But in all seriousness; what re-educaiton [sic] doesn’t fix, the sword will.” – Brandon Russell, “What can be done about Degeneracy in the 21st century?” Iron March forum, June 14, 2016

SOURCE : https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/atomwaffen-division
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu
..."Critics say the scandals exposed the real nature of Finland’s second most-powerful party, and raised serious questions about their fitness to govern. The party is widely described by political scientists as belonging to the radical right, but has managed to successfully moderate its public image enough in recent years to narrowly finish second in April’s elections, winning 20.1 percent of the vote, its best-ever result. It also gained 7 of 19 ministerial posts.

“It seems that many people in Finland have had a naïve image of the Finns Party and their ideological connections to the far-right extremist ideas,” said Löf. “Some people have seen them as a softer version of the radical right-wing parties in Europe, an illusion which is now quickly being shattered.”

The trouble began when Vilhelm Junnila, appointed minister of economic affairs last month, came under intense scrutiny for his familiarity with right-wing extremism. This included a history of “playfully” invoking white supremacist ideology, including jokes referencing the Nazi slogan “Heil Hitler,” and social media posts of noose-wielding Klansmen snowmen, as well as actually appearing alongside neo-Nazis, including the since-banned Nordic Resistance Movement, at a far-right event in 2019.

After narrowly surviving a vote of no confidence – in which most of the MPs from one coalition partner voted against him – Junnila, who had tried to downplay his remarks as “silly and childish” jokes, eventually resigned. His replacement as economic affairs minister, fellow Finns Party MP Wille Rydman, is himself no stranger to controversy, having faced allegations of having harassed and had inappropriate relationships with young women and girls."...
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Maj Kim Patterson
Perhaps a smart move would be to shut down Twitter and go back to visuals ie : Star of David and White sheets. At least they have declared their agenda publicly LTC Eugene Chu
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