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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Ajnd as to why the J6 Committee defended Epps? They do have two “former” CIA on their staff, including a signer of that “Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinfo” letter, David Buckley, former CIA Inpector General?! (REMEMBER, 42 of that letter’s signatories are former CIA!)
There was in fact a conspiracy to incite a riot and then use it as as a latter day Reichstag Fire -like event ; that much is true, but in regards to Ray Epps I think he was a genuine patriot who was obliquely framed by the FBI when they chose NOT to arrest him because they thought he was of more value to them when perceived as a Fifth Columnist thereby creating paranoia among the Patriot groups .

Anyone familiar with the actions of the NKVD in Stalinist Russia would recognise this M O instantly . It’s difficult to start any conspiracy when you are paranoid and unable to trust other patriots .Even the Tsarist police before the Revolution used this tactic ; as such, Ray Epps is of far more value to the FBI outside of prison then in . In fact he’ll likely to be safer too as he’s been branded as an FBI stooge, so no patriots will ever trust him again
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MSgt James Parker
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. thank you for sharing.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
10 mo
My pleasure.
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LTC Trent Klug
Mr. Epps is/was "...a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma…”. Others who did exactly what he was videoed doing on January 6th are in jail, while he remains free. It's speculation on my part, but I believe at some point it will be revealed he was a plant by the federal government and was paid to incite those in attendance to act out. We're he not a plant, he would be awaiting trial or sentenced already.
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