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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SGT (Join to see) good day Brother Charlie, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel not interested...
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CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1AEhqxL5VJ/?igsh=MWx2cWF3Z2ZwM21ndw==

1.) The Alt-Right On Campus: What Students Need To Know

* Why is the Alt-Right Targeting Campuses?

* The Rise of the Alt-Rght

* The Alt-Right and Freedom of Speech

* What To Say, What To Do

* Who is the Alt-Right: Headliners

* Who is the Alt-Right: Brain Trust

* Who is the Alt-Right: The Shock Troops

* Who is the Alt-Right: The Fight Clubs

An old and familiar poison is being spread on college campuses these days: the idea that America should be a country for white people.

SOURCE : https://www.splcenter.org/20170810/alt-right-campus-what-students-need-know

2.) How Is White Supremacy Embedded in School Systems Today? A Scholar Explains

By Ileana Najarro — November 03, 2022 8 min read

“What is the true legacy of Brown v. Board of Education? How do schools perpetuate white supremacy? How can public education become equitable?”

SOURCE : https://www.edweek.org/leadership/how-is-white-supremacy-embedded-in-school-systems-today-a-scholar-explains/2022/11

3.) White Supremacy Has Always Been Mainstream

* White supremacy has always been hard work. Because of this, it is possible to imagine that someday there will be no one willing to perform the labor.

* Very fine people”—and not just fathers, husbands, and sons, but mothers, wives, and daughters as well—have always been central to the work of white supremacy.

* To many of its white contemporaries, the KKK of the 1920s was a respectable organization that promised to restore white Protestants to their proper place of authority.

* Feminism is not a strictly left phenomenon. There is not only conservative feminism but even bigoted feminism. Feminists played a central role in building the Klan.

* In their role as guardians of domestic life, white women served as segregation’s constant gardeners.

* White women took the lead in protests against school desegregation, defending a white domestic sphere without directly asserting the legitimacy of racial segregation.

“The defenders of segregation learned to speak their truths in code. Their demands for “local control” defended racial hierarchies that previous generations of policy and practice had baked into institutions, neighborhoods, and schools. Their language of “color-blindness” sought to neutralize historical accounting or reparation. Some, such as Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush advisor Lee Atwater, claimed that in trading overtly racist language for “forced busing, states rights, and all that stuff,” they were establishing a new, non-racial basis for their coalition—though Atwater’s deployment of the worst scare tactics of white supremacy in his 1988 “Willie Horton” ads showed that one did not need to use racial epithets to communicate openly racist messages. But for most aspiring political or civic figures, a degree of deniability seemed to become essential.”

* White supremacist activists—many of them veterans—linked the government’s mistreatment of soldiers in Vietnam with its alleged elevation of immigrants and non-whites over white Americans at home.

* White Power activists were inspired by The Turner Diaries, a novel of race war that ends with nuclear genocide. Timothy McVeigh sold it at gun shows before following its blueprint in the Oklahoma City bombing.

SOURCE : https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/stephen-kantrowitz-white-supremacy/
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