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Responses: 10
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Edited >1 y ago
I'm loving this. When the GOP office got burned down, the majority of you SWORE it was Democrats that did it with NO evidence. Now, those of you that made that unfounded claim are doing the exact opposite now, saying "Why would a Republican do that?' BLUF, just like you don't know that a Democrat burned down that office in NC, you DON'T know that a Republican didn't burn down that church. That's why we have INVESTIGATORS!! If you want to be a lawyer, investigator, or a propaganda analyst, go to school for it. Otherwise, keep your assumptions in your pocket.
SSG Jessica Bautista 1stSgt Nelson Kerr SGT Efaw (Mick) G.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
>1 y
If there's one thing I've learned to expect of a certain group of very active RP posters, it's that white Conservatives are never responsible for what their compatriots do, but the same cannot be said of black folks or Liberals.

Also, everything is a conspiracy by the elite to steal America from the people.
PO3 Ricky Foster
PO3 Ricky Foster
>1 y
Interesting, I read your other comments, it seems you have your own assumptions. Never use words like "majority" when only a few posted on the GOP burning, that is an untrue statement. Some do jump to conclusions, some conclusions are based in fact and btw as a Retired Deputy Sheriff I did investigations. Distracting news propaganda is a well know ploy of the DNC, it is well documented fact. Study up some before ASSUMING we are all just elites and white privileged. I'm damn well at the bottom of the social status of this nation.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
Well, speaking as someone that knows what the bottom looks like, how you doing?
Like I said and will continue to say, unless you know for a fact that it was a Democrat that started the GOP office fire or if it were Democrat or a Republican that started the church fire in Mississippi, then you are assuming because you don't know. Also, speaking of assuming PO3 Ricky Foster you assumed that I'm speaking to all of Republicans when it actuality, I was speaking to those that flouted their theories HERE on RP. BLUF, your former expertise not withstanding, if you aren't currently involved or conducting the investigation, then guess what? All you are doing is assuming based on a preconceived bias and you are doing that because it's easier than working to find out THE truth instead of YOUR truth
PO3 Ricky Foster
PO3 Ricky Foster
>1 y
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Claudia Silva
Very sad times we are living :(
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CPT Jack Durish
Classic propaganda technique (Card Stacking) to make the opposition appear less desirable or distract from your own shortcomings
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Does the Same apply to the burned Republican HQ? which candidate has followers from a group that has a long tradition of burning and blowing up churches? Classic propaganda or just the way some conservatives have done business since the 1860s? Let the police find out.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr And the vast majority of these people swore up and down that Democrats burned that GOP office down without a shred of evidence to support that claim. Now, those same people want to holler "conspiracy!!!"
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