Would you believe a socialist Governor from my province in Alberta, Canada is seeking proposals for a new oil refinery?
I've heard from others here on Rally Point that it's next to impossible to build refineries in the US due to do environmental regulations. I don't know if that's true or not. Here in Canada, they're actually discussing building a new refinery! Rachel Notley is a socialist that both Bernie Sanders and congresswoman ocasio-cortez would love to hate! Rachel Notley realizes that the only way the province can make money (instead of losing so much money by discounting the oil because of lack of pipelines) is to actually refine it in Province and sell it for retail. I know the climate change Fanatics are going to wet their pants on this one. Since the environmentalist have stopped all pipeline projects, she is also discussing the purchase of additional locomotives and double -walled tank cars to ship the oil to Market. This should really piss off the environmental fanatics of the Green Party in British Columbia. Screw them!.. this Governor is also working with two other Governors of Ontario and Saskatchewan to confront the federal government to stop carbon taxes from being implemented on the federal level in 2019. She was going to go along with the carbon taxes but since the federal government won't support her efforts for Pipelines, she is saying "no"to carbon taxes because is she is saying how can we pay for carbon taxes if we can't sell our oil? She has tried social license to spend billions of dollars in carbon capture and pumping CO2 into the ground but the environmentalists are like the Borg of Star Trek, you can't negotiate with them because they just want you to be assimilated and make you think like them. So not all socialists are bad. This is an oddity and I wanted you I'll know to know about it!