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Responses: 11
SGT Supply Sergeant (S4)
I don’t know who is a bigger idiot. Ocasio or her voters. Not a big sign of hope
MSgt Michael Smith
MSgt Michael Smith
6 y
SFC Jack S - SGT Verify: Sounds like you already have a lot of mentors. You do really good at echoing Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Alex Jones, and of course, Rush Limbaugh. Now who isn't really thinking for himself? Last time I checked this freshman Congresswoman didn't do anything but run for office and express her opinion. She won. Why don't you stop hating and try to make a difference as well. But it's easier to just bitch all the time isn't it?
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Lets specify ignorant instead.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
6 y
CPT (Join to see) - Why not simply specify a difference of opinion?
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Of course. That goes without saying. Nevertheless she is ignorant of a great deal which is obvious from her many gaffes. Ignorance is not a political or other "sin" as long as the individual seeks to become more learned. Willful ignorance is different.
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Lt Col Nurse Anesthetist
I haven’t seen anyone actually hate her, and I don’t know why anyone has to her bring race or gender into any discussion. What I have seen is a representative make herself the center of attention by taking every chance to get in front of a camera to espouse her socialist nonsense, and in the process, embarrass herself completely by regurgitating talking points that have been proven to be completely false. As long as she continues to make herself the center of attention by spouting ignorant rhetoric to anyone who will listen, she is fair game for criticism. As the old saying goes: It’s better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
6 y
Lt Col (Join to see) I am seeing the "fair game" angle a little more. Maybe she will be protoged by a seasoned politician who will help her follow protocol and well arm herself with correct information to defend d her positions. So I don't see so much hate as I follow the stings and then go to the Internet to the actual story.
MSgt Cyber Developer
MSgt (Join to see)
6 y
PO3 Phyllis Maynard - I doubt she'll be picked up by a seasoned politician mentor. She's been hammering her own party as hard as she has hammered the right. She doesn't have a lot of allies in Washinton. I'll be interested to see if she is a 1 term Rep.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
For the right price I'll help her. I have spent time in many 3rd World shii< pause > places and I know how Socialists do it. After all, us soldiers are just mercenaries in the pay of big business! ;-)
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
6 y
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD maybe I need to just sit down and do a YouTube binge on her communications and listen to her conversation. As for Senator Ed Markey maybe retirement is not an option. He's a ride or die guy :)
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LTC Stephen C.
Edited 6 y ago
In my opinion, PO3 Phyllis Maynard, Ocasio-Cortez is the vanguard of and very representative of where the United States is headed. There’s a new wave of young voters that I consider to be “radicalized leftists” and their numbers will soon be sufficient to overwhelm the right. Thus, I think that the United States is on an irrevocable path toward a more socialistic form of government and further, President Trump, whether he serves one or two terms, may be the last Republican president in the history of the country. It’s truly sad, because socialism as a form of government simply cannot sustain itself over a long period of time. In the paraphrased words of now deceased British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, “Socialism doesn’t work because eventually you run out of other people’s money.”
Ocasio-Cortez is truly pathetic. Her ignorance of even the most basic aspects of our government (she didn’t even know the three basic branches of government) manifests itself almost every time she makes a public statement. What is more profoundly disappointing is that she really doesn’t seem interested in learning.
I believe that the right (whomever that may be) is fully aware of the danger that Ocasio-Cortez portends, but many just like her are “on their way” to the polls and thus, to the halls of Congress. If this tide of socialism is slowed or halted, the United States may survive. Otherwise, this country is on an inexorable path to oblivion.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
6 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - some of them know and will deploy doublethink to counter their own arguments.

Rich vs. poor, or today's oppression olympics is thus prescribed as the antidote for what ails society by karl marx and fredrick engels in the communist manifesto. I wish that the so called "independents" and "radical leftists" here who vote democrat would just tell the truth. They are students of marx and they hate the Constitution they swore to defend. while telling you they value their oaths.

I find it amazing that those advocating socialism refuse to believe that socialist leaders are immune from greed, a trait which all humans have to capacity to employ. Those "leaders" have always been and will always be the worst types of leaders because they have to steal from the productive to redistribute THEIR view of equality while keeping most of the spoils for themselves. Corporatists and oligarchs are a scourge and should never have a seat at the tables of the "humans capable of greed" politicians who are usually granted government powers that stifle real free-market competition for a kickback.
WO1 Ncoic, Water And Fuels Maintenance
WO1 (Join to see)
6 y
PO3 Phyllis Maynard A lot of what you say is not factually true. She was not really from an impoverished background. She grew up in Westchester County, New York. Apparently its a pretty upscale place, however, she likes to have the persona she comes from the Bronx. As far as the immigrant debate I believe most people understand that its right to do it legally. That is one of the first things that makes a sovereign nation, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. When people flock massively to one country, it disrupts the countries ability to function with the undue influence of other nations. A case in point is Europe with their migrant crisis. People are changing their policies, life, and culture to fit a new population of people who do not want to meld into the population. If you read history, and how the Irish people had a separate ghetto in New York that was near other ethnicities that created groups that mixed like oil and water. It's because they did not have a slow-process of mixing together and instead flooded an area with a heavy population that stuck to like-minded people and that created a lot of friction. So you had Italians that hated the Irish who all hated the Germans and so forth. And that is how you get mobs, mobsters, crime families, and generational disputes.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
6 y
WO1 (Join to see) plus let's not forget fake news. Someone faked the facts on AOC. So, I wasn't country-specific aware that other countries are slowly changing to suit a population of people who do not want meld to the culture, however, UK I have been reading some things that made me reread twice. Not good - The United States of (something else may be brewing).
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
That's one excellent picture.
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